多句嘴,氯酶素在加拿大基本是禁用的,楼主肯定不知道,还是别卖了,销毁了吧。最初由 为了生活而生活 发布
$: 9
你好,首先谢谢你的引用。不过请稍微看仔细点,以上并不是氯霉素禁用,只是说牲畜的食物制造中不能含有,对人类是没有问题的。我想你看错英文意思了。(it is approved for human use in Canada as a last resort drug in the treatment of typhoid fever ,尤其这句请你仔细阅读,谢谢)最初由 fido 发布
Is Chloramphenicol banned in Canada?
This drug is banned for use in food-producing animals in Canada as well as in a number of other countries. However, it is approved for human use in Canada as a last resort drug in the treatment of typhoid fever where no other treatment is available.