求助: 谁知道HOUSE的最上层, 一个小套的2-BEDROOM APARTMENT 冬天及夏天的
加热, 热水, 点灯及做饭等的用电多少钱一个月? 我这一俩天就要定一套房, please help me. I am very anxious, thank you very much!
最初由 moose 发布 Help!!!
求助: 谁知道HOUSE的最上层, 一个小套的2-BEDROOM APARTMENT 冬天及夏天的
加热, 热水, 点灯及做饭等的用电多少钱一个月? 我这一俩天就要定一套房, please help me. I am very anxious, thank you very much!
Thank you! It is a small 2-bd apartment, whole second floor of an old house, in Hull.
we two persons always use computer, and Tv, because we always study at home.Other stuffs are seldom used, but cook meal twice every day, and wash clothes by myself.
The landloard, not seller, has never live in this apartment. She told me she doesn't know the amount and the tenants just lived for 2 months, they just got the number of Sep. and Nov., not for winter. So I need more help.