This is the best advice I can give you, buy TSX ticker XIU


I been thinking about post this for a while now.

XIU on TSX is TSX top 60 companies, it has the lowest manage fee at 0.17% per year and it out performs 95% of all mutual fund on the market.

If you havn't heard about it, it's because nobody told you, and that's because nobody can make money give you honest advice like I just did.
since my last post XIU went up 6%, don't waste your money on mutual fund managing fee. XIU will out perform 95% of all mutual fund and with minimum managing fee. Again, I figured out this after over 10 years of investing in both mutual fund and stock market. You will make/Save a lot of money from what I learned.

I'm sharing this because I don't want your hard earned money go t money manager's pocket.

The best way to buy the indexes is through a pair of exchange-traded funds, the iUnits S&P/TSX 60 Index Fund (XIU) and the iUnits Composite Canadian Equity Index Fund (XIC). The pair have ultra-low management expense ratios of 0.17 per cent and 0.25 per cent, respectively, so you're in line to make very close to what the index makes. The only catch is that you need a brokerage account, as ETFs like these trade like stocks.

If you're strictly a mutual funds investor, then take a look at index mutual funds. With much higher MERs than ETFs, these funds are a decided second-best option for index investing. But they do have accessibility on their side because they're available from virtually all bank fund families, as well as the no-load fund company Altamira Investment Services.