华侨服务处招聘启事:LINC instructors needed

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
Internal and external Job Posting
LINC instructors (3 part-time positions)


• TESL Ontario certificate
• Minimum of 50 hours of LINC/TESL/TEFL practicum or teaching experience
• Highly developed interpersonal skills; energetic and enthusiastic
• Good knowledge of the Canadian language Benchmarks Assessment (CLBA) and LINC Curriculum Guidelines
• Fluency in Mandarin or Cantonese an asset
• Experience working in multicultural environment
• Sensitive to the settlement/language needs of new immigrants


• To keep a record of instruction plan for each lesson.
• To register all students, keep records of attendance and follow up on absences
• To prepare and submit monthly attendance reports to Coordinator.
• To adhere to curriculum provided and to make necessary modification in accordance with the needs of students.
• To monitor and assess progress of students by setting up a profile of each student.
• To assess students every 6 months before sending out the “CIC LINC Certificates of Success” for their LINC outcome competency levels.
• To work with Coordinator in planning and organizing special activities such as field trips, and inviting special speakers.
• To start and end classes as scheduled.
• To assume responsibilities for the materials and equipments in the classroom and ensure they are properly used, stored, and maintained.

Please forward your curriculum vitae with a covering letter to the following address before October 20, 2006 at 3 p.m.:
Yan Fu
LINC Coordinator
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
391 Bank Street, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 1Y3
E-mail address: yan.fu@ottawachineseservices.org