Francesca places a bag of groceries on the front seat of the
truck, then gets in herself to wait for Richard. She takes a
deep breath and removes a handkerchief from her bag to wipe
the sweat from her face. She freezes -
Through the windshield, she sees ROBERT standing beside his
truck across the street, staring at her. Her heart stops.
For a moment, she isn't even sure he's real.
The town moves about its business around them. But neither
notice or care. Whatever safety or forgetfulness she felt is
gone. Her feelings burst through. She sits there helpless
before him -- willing to go or stay depending on what he did.
He begins walking towards her. She prepares herself. Her life
will change -- it has to. There's not turning back.
But the closer Robert gets, the clearer he can see that she
is crying. And he stops.
Without any words, he realizes what taking her with him would
mean. With just a glance, he sacrifices her. With their eyes
locked in the middle of Main Street -- in front of the whole
town -- they smile and say goodbye.
Robert returns to his truck. He drives off down Main Street,
taking the first left.
Moments later, Richard throws the feed bag into the back of
his truck and gets in. Francesca is wiping her eyes.
He doesn't notice. He drives off in the same direction as
For a moment, I didn't know where I
was. And for a split second, the
thought crossed my mind that he
really didn't want me -- that it was
easy to walk away.
As they pass the corner where Robert made his left turn,
Francesca turns to look and sees:
ROBERT'S TRUCK IS PARKED just off the corner. As if he had to
drive away to get out of sight, but couldn't bring himself to
drive any further.
The sight of him hiding there breaks Francesca's heart, she
turns away from her husband to hide the tears.