主铨是:安居??在渥京。目的??助新移民更能掺解及融入本地主流社?,和建立一?共融?暖的家庭。?了加深沛雨新知之殓的帐滓和交流,我??佩辨安居??故囔情 、追月分享???,共渡一??馨的中秋佳?、一家大小共???,不?共享美食,更可分享生活的感受和故囔?滴,互相晷?勉? !
日期:十月十四日(星期六) 下午五?至八?
地点:渥太攘天主教教?中心 (1247 Kilburn Place, Ottawa)
Ottawa Chinese Catholic Community has been offering a series of seminars this summer on different topics to help new Chinese immigrants to gain a better understanding of and to integrate easier into our Canadian society.In order to promote friendship and to support each other,we are organizing a life sharing and supper gathering to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and our new life in Canada. Activities include: slide show, sharing, songs, dance, Chinese lantern, puzzles, supper, lucky draw etc.
Admission is free and open to all Chinese.
Date: 2006 Oct 14 (Saturday) ? 5:00PM to 8:00PM
Venue: Ottawa Catholic Diocesan Centre
1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa
RSVP contact: 613-747-2080
主铨是:安居??在渥京。目的??助新移民更能掺解及融入本地主流社?,和建立一?共融?暖的家庭。?了加深沛雨新知之殓的帐滓和交流,我??佩辨安居??故囔情 、追月分享???,共渡一??馨的中秋佳?、一家大小共???,不?共享美食,更可分享生活的感受和故囔?滴,互相晷?勉? !
日期:十月十四日(星期六) 下午五?至八?
地点:渥太攘天主教教?中心 (1247 Kilburn Place, Ottawa)
Ottawa Chinese Catholic Community has been offering a series of seminars this summer on different topics to help new Chinese immigrants to gain a better understanding of and to integrate easier into our Canadian society.In order to promote friendship and to support each other,we are organizing a life sharing and supper gathering to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and our new life in Canada. Activities include: slide show, sharing, songs, dance, Chinese lantern, puzzles, supper, lucky draw etc.
Admission is free and open to all Chinese.
Date: 2006 Oct 14 (Saturday) ? 5:00PM to 8:00PM
Venue: Ottawa Catholic Diocesan Centre
1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa
RSVP contact: 613-747-2080