Moving Sale (New items and pics addedl) (updated on Jan. 3)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Jeff
  • 开始时间 开始时间


Pictures can be found at:

All prices are negotiable.

(pic 047)小计算机桌 - $8 --> $5
(pic 069)沙发床(FUTON) - $70 --> $60
(pic 062)小柜(四方) - $8 --> $5 (can be used for TV table, very stable)
(pic 045)电视柜 - $3 or Free with other purchase
SOLD - (039,040,041)圆餐桌 加上四把凳子 - $30 or $40 if you need delivery- the table is very stable, good condition.
(pic 063)长咖啡桌 - $15
SOLD - 玻璃圆餐桌 + 四把椅子 - $100 (picture added)
SOLD - (064-066)长餐桌 + 4 把椅子 $240 (Bought 2 years ago for $450+tax without chairs, Very good condition)
(pic 070,072,073)功放音箱5+1(Sony Home Theater speaker) $50 -->$40
(pic 046)床头柜 - $10 --> $8
SOLD - (059,068)收腹健身器(AB ROCKER) - $12 - very expensive when buy new
(pic 048)落地CD架 - $12 --> $10
(pic 050)Sony DVD player $3 or Free with other purchase ( It's just broken a while ago, if you're lucky, it can be started by punch it hard. once it starts, then it works fine. Remote controller works fine, can be used for TV)
(pic 053)Nortel Telephone - $10 --> $8 (可同时接入两条电话线,来电显示功能,。。。)
(pic 054)SMC 10/100 Router - $12
(pic 061)Speaker(a pair) $3 or Free with other purchase (One work, one broken)
(no pic)2 Ikea tables - $20 each very new
(pic 043)small book shelf - $10
(pic 051)Computer chair - $10
(pic 044)small cafe table - $5

* 2 Microwaves - $8 black one; $10 white grey price reduced!!
$5 for black one, $6 for white grey (picture added at below)
SOLD - * Double Size Mattress + spring box + metal frame $60 -> $55(pics added at below)
* IKEA long glass top dinner table + 6 ikea chairs $120(pic added at below)
* Quick Chopper, brand new in box. Ask $25. (pic added at below)
SOLD - * TV stand - $5
* night stand table - $5 (pic added at below)

baby staff:
* Bouncers $5 (pic added at below)
* Exersaucer $12 (pic added at below)
* Change table, $8 (pic added at below)

Many other items are not listed

QQH or call 613-599-7115 before 11:00pm
Re: Updated: Moving Sale (Price for quick sell)

(pic 052)leather computer chair - $25
(pic 047)小计算机桌 - $8 --> $5
(pic 069)沙发床(FUTON) - $70 --> $60
(pic 062)小柜(四方) - $8 --> $5 (can be used for TV table, very stable)
(pic 045)电视柜 - $3 or Free with other purchase

(pic 063)长咖啡桌 - $15
(pic 070,072,073)功放音箱5+1(Sony Home Theater speaker) $50 -->$40
(pic 046)床头柜 - $10 --> $8
(pic 048)落地CD架 - $12 --> $10

(pic 050)Sony DVD player $3 or Free with other purchase ( It's just broken a while ago, if you're lucky, it can be started by punch it hard. once it starts, then it works fine. Remote controller works fine, can be used for TV)

(pic 053)Nortel Telephone - $10 --> $5 (可同时接入两条电话线,来电显示功能,。。。)
(pic 054)SMC 10/100 Router - $12
(pic 061)Speaker(a pair) $3 or Free with other purchase (One work, one broken)
(no pic)2 Ikea tables - $20 each very new
(pic 043)small book shelf - $10
(pic 051)Computer chair - $10
(pic 044)small cafe table - $5

* 2 Microwaves - $8 black one; $10 white grey price reduced!!
$5 for black one, $6 for white grey (picture added at below)
* IKEA long glass top dinner table + 6 ikea chairs $120(pic added at below)
* Quick Chopper, brand new in box. Ask $25. (pic added at below)
* night stand table - $5 (pic added at below)

baby staff:
* Bouncers $5 (pic added at below)
* Exersaucer $12 (pic added at below)
* Change table, $8 (pic added at below)

Many other items are not listed

QQH or call 613-599-7115 before 11:00pm
(047)小计算机桌 - $8
(045)电视柜 - $3 or Free with other purchase
(050)Sony DVD player $3 or Free with other purchase ( It's just broker a few days ago, it can be started by punch it hard. once it starts, then it works fine)
(053)Nortel Telephone - $10 (可同时接入两条电话线,来电显示功能,。。。)

能送货么? 我们住在MONTREAL ROAD上,方便么?
2 Microwaves -

$6 this one. or $5 for black one(no picture)

* Exersaucer $12
or another one with toys(no picture) ask $15.
Quick Chopper
brand new in box.
Ask $25.
* IKEA long glass top dinner table + 6 ikea chairs $120