
beautiful life

妈妈们,请问你们买房子都看学校,那是好的小学还是高中呢?当然都好是最好的。但有的小学好但高中一般啊。但上大学是看高三成绩啊。还有这里的elementary school 是从1-8吗?。谢谢了。
最初由 beautiful life 发布
妈妈们,请问你们买房子都看学校,那是好的小学还是高中呢?当然都好是最好的。但有的小学好但高中一般啊。但上大学是看高三成绩啊。还有这里的elementary school 是从1-8吗?。谢谢了。

Kanata Lakes area. Both elementary schools and high schools are of good quality, comparing to other area.

I would put more attention on elementary school, because it is the most important stage for children to develop good learning habit.
Re: Re: 关于好学校

最初由 greenhand 发布

Kanata Lakes area. Both elementary schools and high schools are of good quality, comparing to other area.

I would put more attention on elementary school, because it is the most important stage for children to develop good learning habit.

Just wonder, which elementary schools are good in Kanata Lakes?
Re: Re: Re: 关于好学校

最初由 kliu 发布

Just wonder, which elementary schools are good in Kanata Lakes?

Actually, there is no school in Kanata Lakes, most kids go schools in Beaver Brook or Katimavik or Bridlewood. They have many choices. Schools in these area are considered of good quality. Or we can think in a different way, most of their schoolmates are from professional or well-educated families, there are less chances for our kids to go bad.

Just personal opinion, no offence to people living in other communities.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 关于好学校

最初由 greenhand 发布

Actually, there is no school in Kanata Lakes, most kids go schools in Beaver Brook or Katimavik or Bridlewood. They have many choices. Schools in these area are considered of good quality. Or we can think in a different way, most of their schoolmates are from professional or well-educated families, there are less chances for our kids to go bad.

Just personal opinion, no offence to people living in other communities.

We like Kanata Lakes area, but I found that as you said, there's no school in the area, but the neighbourhood is a good one in general (houses are nice, people are from upper class).

In fact, I think this neighbourhood is really lack of schools, daycares, and community centres. There are many shopping places though. As you know, there are many new schools in Bridlewood, and there are older schools in Katimavik, but they are not really "that" close by.
最初由 beautiful life 发布
妈妈们,请问你们买房子都看学校,那是好的小学还是高中呢?当然都好是最好的。但有的小学好但高中一般啊。但上大学是看高三成绩啊。还有这里的elementary school 是从1-8吗?。谢谢了。

It's probably too early to look at 高中 if your child is still in junior Grade of小学 or Kindergarten. Since after 8 or 10 years, you won't have the same groups of teachers and students and families in that same school.

When I was in junior high, my parents bought the house in the best neighbourhood which had the top ranking high school. I remember the real estate agent told my parents that the previous houseowner's kid was the student president at that famous school, so it must be a very good house.

It was pretty crazy at that time. People who knew our family were all asking us to "lend" them our "address" or to rent a room to them so that their children could go to the same high school.

Guess what, 10 years later, when I looked back at that school's ranking, it went down to a couple hundred in the list coz the good teachers had retired or left and the good students had graduated.

I think it's important that your child will befriend with a group of children who are good students, and then no matter which school they go to, they will turn the school into a good school.
School list in Ottawa-Carleton District
* A. Y. Jackson Secondary School (Ottawa)
* Adult High School
* Bell High School
* Brookfield High School
* Cairine Wilson Secondary School
* Canterbury High School
* Colonel By Secondary School
* Earl of March Secondary School
* Glebe Collegiate Institute
* Gloucester High School
* Hillcrest High School
* John McCrae Secondary School
* Lisgar Collegiate Institute
* Merivale High School
* Nepean High School
* Osgoode Township High School
* Ottawa Technical Learning Centre
* Rideau High School
* Ridgemont High School
* Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
* Sir Robert Borden High School
* Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School
* South Carleton High School
* West Carleton Secondary School
* Woodroffe High School

Who would like to tell the rank list ? Thanks
* Brookfield High School
* Canterbury High School(安省东部的艺术类高中)
* Glebe Collegiate Institute
* Lisgar Collegiate Institute
大家好! 孩子即将读Kindergarten, 家住Kanata Lakes Area. 不知应该申请哪所学校. 请大家帮助给点建议.