疯狂啊!5M High Speed $19/month 1year contract

用户对这个公司提供的服务评价是confused. 有的说不错,有的说技术支持差,还有的说经历过一周以上连续的上不了线。


两天前刚收到Modem装好(FedEx两天就到),他们的Modem与Router/fire wall是一体化的,但只有一个Ethernet口,原来的自己的Wireless Router要Disable掉DHCP,将LAN口连到Modem+Router上当作一个Wireles acess point + Ethernet Switch 用,路由和防火墙功能只好放弃了,他们的Lnx210 DSL2+的Box实在很Cheap,功能不行,在不想自己另外购置好一点的Modem情况下凑和着用罢了,好在免费(有45刀押金)。
在Service正式激活前就可以上网了,但速度很慢(上行288K,下行288K,运气好时下行1152K),他们的Service 非常不错,电话和Email响应都很及时而且准确,寄希望于今天晚上正式激活后速度会有提高。
最初由 register 发布
两天前刚收到Modem装好(FedEx两天就到),他们的Modem与Router/fire wall是一体化的,但只有一个Ethernet口,原来的自己的Wireless Router要Disable掉DHCP,将LAN口连到Modem+Router上当作一个Wireles acess point + Ethernet Switch 用,路由和防火墙功能只好放弃了,他们的Lnx210 DSL2+的Box实在很Cheap,功能不行,在不想自己另外购置好一点的Modem情况下凑和着用罢了,好在免费(有45刀押金)。
在Service正式激活前就可以上网了,但速度很慢(上行288K,下行288K,运气好时下行1152K),他们的Service 非常不错,电话和Email响应都很及时而且准确,寄希望于今天晚上正式激活后速度会有提高。

希望看到你用后的comments。偶本来也在犹豫,因为对acanac的评论有好有坏,所以,想等等看。试着给bell sympatico打电话想price match到 acanac的价格,虽然没有成功,但他们给了一个不错的Offer(平均24.95/month including modem rental),所以,就与bell签了一年的合同。
I had a very slow connection when I just switched from Bell to Acanac. I sent an email to check the connection. They asked me to shut down the modem and restarted it after 30 seconds. It worked. My connection is as far as before now. The response time is pretty fast too. So far I am happy.

By the way, you don't need to give up your existing router. There is an article to tell you how to set up the modem into the bridge mode. I am trying to find it and post here (if I can.)
Yes, looks like the XML config file can disable router mode, I will spend sometime on it. I found the option how to download the config file, but haven't found a way to upload the modified version.

Those guys should not give me a 288K connection for a 5M user and use 10 days to correct it, a new customer set up only need 2~3 days (they claim 5 days).
今天终于设置到了5M,从微软下载大文件速度可以稳定在520K Bps上,感觉不错。但是因为台湾地震,访问国内站点仍然慢如蜗牛,海底光缆快些修好吧。
遗憾的是,新发现一个邻居不知是谁Boxing Day买了个Linksys Wireless G Router并提供免费接入,信号甚至压过了我自家的,早知如此,嘿嘿嘿...
我想用这service provider, 不知最近进展如何? 方便的话, 留个悄悄话,我好咨询一下.谢了先!