

我来了几年了,一直以为身体还不错,所以也没有家庭医生,只去过walk-in clinic几次.最近家人和朋友陆续出现健康状况问题,自己也人到中年,又有癌症家族史,所以很想请个有经验的家庭医生,做一下全身检查.


我在离家很近的诊所(walk-in & appointment),遇到过另一个医生,从她的动作和言语,我感觉她很有经验,人很热心,而且很认真,但她已经不接收新病人了,诊所的reception说这个医生不可能给我做年度检查,只可以有病时去看病.

1. 请问这个医生为什么不能给我做年度检查?是因为做检查会take很长时间,还是怕我的病历不能集中放在那?年度检查做什么呀?
2. 我可不可以当成看病,分几次去这个医生那,让她给我开化验单什么的,做完年度检查那几项?
3. 请教朋友们,我先生现在该怎么办?这药是吃,还是不吃?允不允许换个家庭医生呀?这个家庭医生,我不仅有点怀疑她的医学水平,而且她给我们的感觉不太负责,态度也不好.我先生几次化验报告不正常(Lab打电话告诉的),她都不约见我们,我们只好自己去见专科医生.也不知道是不是专科医生写信得罪她了,如果是这样,她也太没职业道德了吧.可是全身上下其他毛病,还要找家庭医生看呀.如果这样下去,我担心会耽误病情的呀.
4. 请朋友们推荐个你满意的家庭医生,不管哪国人,诊所在哪,毕竟自己的身体最重要.

最初由 快乐最重要 发布
我来了几年了,一直以为身体还不错,所以也没有家庭医生,只去过walk-in clinic几次.最近家人和朋友陆续出现健康状况问题,自己也人到中年,又有癌症家族史,所以很想请个有经验的家庭医生,做一下全身检查.


我在离家很近的诊所(walk-in & appointment),遇到过另一个医生,从她的动作和言语,我感觉她很有经验,人很热心,而且很认真,但她已经不接收新病人了,诊所的reception说这个医生不可能给我做年度检查,只可以有病时去看病.

1. 请问这个医生为什么不能给我做年度检查?是因为做检查会take很长时间,还是怕我的病历不能集中放在那?年度检查做什么呀?
2. 我可不可以当成看病,分几次去这个医生那,让她给我开化验单什么的,做完年度检查那几项?
3. 请教朋友们,我先生现在该怎么办?这药是吃,还是不吃?允不允许换个家庭医生呀?这个家庭医生,我不仅有点怀疑她的医学水平,而且她给我们的感觉不太负责,态度也不好.我先生几次化验报告不正常(Lab打电话告诉的),她都不约见我们,我们只好自己去见专科医生.也不知道是不是专科医生写信得罪她了,如果是这样,她也太没职业道德了吧.可是全身上下其他毛病,还要找家庭医生看呀.如果这样下去,我担心会耽误病情的呀.
4. 请朋友们推荐个你满意的家庭医生,不管哪国人,诊所在哪,毕竟自己的身体最重要.


人应该尽量少吃药. 即便是中药, 吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃, 从而减弱免疫功能. 降压药确实不应突然停. 但要从根本上解决问题就要从免疫系统着手.


现代人的饮食动物类食品过多,草本即植物类不够. 免疫系统不能得到需要的抗氧化基, 植物营养素和多醣体,各种病菌乘虚而入,久而久之就会发生气质性病边. 要想重获健康就必须多吃健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品.

若有兴趣了解如何才能保证免疫系统的上述营养需求, 请发悄悄话或电邮: lifein3dimensions@yahoo.ca.
Re: Re: 一筹莫展,请大家指教.

Do you know "中药" is chinese herbs. Majority of them are plants. How do you know people taking your "草本即植物" food will not be harmed, if as you said "中药" is harmful.

I suggest you be honest to others. If you are trying to sell something here, just say it directly. Post your product names here.

最初由 三维人生 发布

人应该尽量少吃药. 即便是中药, 吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃, 从而减弱免疫功能. 降压药确实不应突然停. 但要从根本上解决问题就要从免疫系统着手.


现代人的饮食动物类食品过多,草本即植物类不够. 免疫系统不能得到需要的抗氧化基, 植物营养素和多醣体,各种病菌乘虚而入,久而久之就会发生气质性病边. 要想重获健康就必须多吃健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品.

若有兴趣了解如何才能保证免疫系统的上述营养需求, 请发悄悄话或电邮: lifein3dimensions@yahoo.ca.
Re: Re: Re: 一筹莫展,请大家指教.

最初由 iamtheone 发布
Do you know "中药" is chinese herbs. Majority of them are plants. How do you know people taking your "草本即植物" food will not be harmed, if as you said "中药" is harmful.

I suggest you be honest to others. If you are trying to sell something here, just say it directly. Post your product names here.

Please note that I said, "吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃." Some herbs can only be used for medicinal purposes and should only be taken for short periods of time. Taking them regularly can be harmful. It is therefore not recommended that people take them on a regular basis. A number of ingredients in "中药" belong to this category. Can you imagine a person taking 牛黄解毒丸" on a regular basis?

Additionally, "中药" typically is processed by boiling or cooking and therefore changing the molecular structure of the plants, again to achieve medicinal effects. Even a Chinese herbal doctor would not recomment taking their herbal concoctions beyond the time required for healing. If you are one of those who believe that one should take "中药" regularly, then you must an individual who is either addicted to the awful tasts of "中药" or a person with a special constitution.

Indeed I happen to know products that offer a convinient option to satisfy these needs. But it is up to the reader to decide whether they want to contact me if that's what they want to do. Otherwise all they have to remember is to eat "健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品." What I am interested in is sharing the science of eating properly to ensure sufficient nutrition for our immune system.

In any sense, I still insist that people, even you, eat "健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品." As much as you can, whether it comes from the grocery store, from your own backyard or any place else.

Confucious once said, "民以食为天." Don't thinks we change it to "民以药为天." :-)
Re: Re: Re: Re: 一筹莫展,请大家指教.

Don't be mad and don't change the topic.

In your first message, you said "中药吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃". I have no doubt about that. But your statement in this context could give other people a wrong impression that what you recommended can be ate regularly without "伤及辟,肾和肠胃". If that is what you meant, please answer my question. How do you know what you recommended stuff will not "伤及辟,肾和肠胃" if eat regularly? It's a very simple question.

最初由 三维人生 发布
Please note that I said, "吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃." Some herbs can only be used for medicinal purposes and should only be taken for short periods of time. Taking them regularly can be harmful. It is therefore not recommended that people take them on a regular basis. A number of ingredients in "中药" belong to this category. Can you imagine a person taking 牛黄解毒丸" on a regular basis?

Additionally, "中药" typically is processed by boiling or cooking and therefore changing the molecular structure of the plants, again to achieve medicinal effects. Even a Chinese herbal doctor would not recomment taking their herbal concoctions beyond the time required for healing. If you are one of those who believe that one should take "中药" regularly, then you must an individual who is either addicted to the awful tasts of "中药" or a person with a special constitution.

Indeed I happen to know products that offer a convinient option to satisfy these needs. But it is up to the reader to decide whether they want to contact me if that's what they want to do. Otherwise all they have to remember is to eat "健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品." What I am interested in is sharing the science of eating properly to ensure sufficient nutrition for our immune system.

In any sense, I still insist that people, even you, eat "健康的,未经烹煮的,完整(即分子结构未被破坏的)的和多种多样的植物食品." As much as you can, whether it comes from the grocery store, from your own backyard or any place else.

Confucious once said, "民以食为天." Don't thinks we change it to "民以药为天." :-)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 一筹莫展,请大家指教.

最初由 iamtheone 发布
Don't be mad and don't change the topic.

In your first message, you said "中药吃多了也会伤及辟,肾和肠胃". I have no doubt about that. But your statement in this context could give other people a wrong impression that what you recommended can be ate regularly without "伤及辟,肾和肠胃". If that is what you meant, please answer my question. How do you know what you recommended stuff will not "伤及辟,肾和肠胃" if eat regularly? It's a very simple question.

First of all, I have yet to recommend anything specific other than sharing the knowledge now increasing shared by medical professionals and nutritionists.

As for the products I have personally enjoyed, I am glad to share that over the last 19 years, millions of people around the world have been eating these foods. Many have been eating them for as long as the company has been around. Many people have recovered from serious diseases including cancer because the nutrients in these foods have strengthened their immune systems. There are only two kinds of people who can't eat these foods, yes on a regualrly basis as well: Those who are not born yet and those who have passed away.

If you paid attention, I used a smile symbol to end my last posting. That should tell you that I am not a person that get easily excited or mad for that matter.