最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布
请问渥太华在哪儿可以买高档一点的男服?牌子不重要,只是希望质量和式样好一点。去过HR,不太喜欢那儿的式样,也觉得价钱都是买牌子, 不值。还去过Rideau Centre 三楼的那家男服店,又觉得那儿的式样太老气。
最初由 1784 发布
if you really want some good long lasting suit, go get it tailored ... for $1500 to 1700, you can get something with great material, suitable style, and perfect fitting
for cheaper alternative, Tip Top is great choice.
Holt Renfrew is more of the fashion, Harry Rosen is more for 40+.