Motorcycle - Suzuki Katana 600cc $4500


2001 Suzuki Katana GFX600
Passes emissions and safety June 2006
On the road 4 times since
Just winter tuned-up/storage Nov 2006
$4500, price will go up in spring
Nice bike.
This bike is build to race!!

这里考摩托车牌照 麻烦吗?指教一下 我想去考~~我有车车牌~~
go borrow the booklet off someone and like read it for a day or so, and go to the licence office and take your test, its really easy, then you will have your M1. But in 3 month time it will expire so you need to take your M2 test during that 3 month, I would say go take the ottawa saftey councel's M1 exit class, its just like 4 hours in class and a weekend of riding and test on sunday then you will have your M2. After you get your M2 u can ride, then 18month later you can take your full M test then you will have a full licence. Do this in April or so because you have to make sure you do take your classes for M2 during that 3 month or you will have to pay again for M1 test.

And also, do alot of reserch on what kind of bike you want to buy, how fast are you going to be comfortable with, and the insurance money you are willing to spend. Sports bikes cost more, Ontario insurance cost alot for motorcycle, quebec is cheaper but not all sports bikes are off the black list, most of them will still cost you over $3000.

My bike, the katana, the SV650, the kawasaki 550 are not longer on the black list and insurance is around $300 a year, but most sports bikes cost alot. Unless you are looking at somthing that 15 years old then it should be ok, like the VRF, the older gsx, the older yzf.

You can look at the other post you did, my buddy explained it in chinese over there. Take your time there is still like atleast 2 month before riding season starts.