Text books for Mechanical Engineering:
1.MCG 2335, MCG 2365 William D Calister, Jr: Materials science and engineering an Introduction 68$
2.MAT 2331 Kreyszid: Advanced engineering mathematics 8th Edition 75$
3.ELG 2331, ELG 3331 Principles and applications of Electrical Engineering Rizzoni McGrawHill Revised 4th Edition $72
4.MAT 1320, MAT 1322, MAT 2322 Calculus Concepts and Contests 2nd Edition 68$
5.CHM 1310 Raymond Chang Chemistry 7th edition 75$
6.MAT 2377 Miller & freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers 7th edition 68$
7.CVG 2140 Mechanics of materials 6th edition 75$
8.MAT 1341 Schaum’s Linear Algebra 3rd edition 28$
9.GNG 1100 Vector Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 3rd Edition 48$
10.ENG 1112 Power Tools for Technical Communication McMurrey 28$
11.ADM 1100 Jones George Lanton: Essentials of Contemporary Management First Canadian Edition 48$
12.MCG 3140 Popov: Engineering Mechanics of Solids 2nd Edition 68$
13.MCG 2107 Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics, 7th edition in SI units 58$
14.PHY 1102 Tipler Mosca: Physics for scientists and engineers 5th edition 85$
email: tzhanshi@hotmail.com phone (613) -862 4926
1.MCG 2335, MCG 2365 William D Calister, Jr: Materials science and engineering an Introduction 68$
2.MAT 2331 Kreyszid: Advanced engineering mathematics 8th Edition 75$
3.ELG 2331, ELG 3331 Principles and applications of Electrical Engineering Rizzoni McGrawHill Revised 4th Edition $72
4.MAT 1320, MAT 1322, MAT 2322 Calculus Concepts and Contests 2nd Edition 68$
5.CHM 1310 Raymond Chang Chemistry 7th edition 75$
6.MAT 2377 Miller & freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers 7th edition 68$
7.CVG 2140 Mechanics of materials 6th edition 75$
8.MAT 1341 Schaum’s Linear Algebra 3rd edition 28$
9.GNG 1100 Vector Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 3rd Edition 48$
10.ENG 1112 Power Tools for Technical Communication McMurrey 28$
11.ADM 1100 Jones George Lanton: Essentials of Contemporary Management First Canadian Edition 48$
12.MCG 3140 Popov: Engineering Mechanics of Solids 2nd Edition 68$
13.MCG 2107 Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics, 7th edition in SI units 58$
14.PHY 1102 Tipler Mosca: Physics for scientists and engineers 5th edition 85$
email: tzhanshi@hotmail.com phone (613) -862 4926