A couple of doubtful points in Amanda Zhao's case


1,RCMP didn't hand out a bit of details about how Wei Amanda Zhao died, or what caused her death. No one knows what happenned on her. Stangle? Gun shot? Or else, who knows. As we confirmed that RCMP delaied a 911 emergency call from Ang Li, and RCMP doesn't have any clue about the case. On the other hand, we are sure that Ang Li in back to China now, if RCMP want to extradite him for criminal purpose, that's impossible. The percentage of successful extradition is 0. I consider that RCMP has something that didn't want to announce to the public. (Especially when police can't do anything with their cases, they need scapegoat.)

2. From the recent news reports, we knew that Amanda Zhao's body was found in a suitcase, and we are sure that the distance between Amanda Zhao's apartment and the place that police found Zhao's body is quite long. If the murders want to reach the place with a suitcase that loads with a dead body, the only possibility is they drove a car. And as we know that Ang Li owns a car. But, did RCMP announce that after they examine Ang Li's car or his cousin, Han Zhang's car, the police found some fragments that was on the suitcase? NO! Any reason for that, no either. Maybe I don't understand the way that RCMP solve a case. But unless they announce their final report and give us an acceptable answer about what's going on there. I will always believe that both of them didn't kill Amanda Zhao.
(Somebody might ask, how come you know there are some fragments on the car? After a long distance driving time, the friction between the car and the suitcase won't be negative; therefore, the fragments exists. After a couple time of Hi-Tech examinations, we can get the result pretty easy.)

Personal point of view, any kind of dicussion is welcome