胖蹄阿克 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-07-08 消息 6,748 荣誉分数 181 声望点数 0 2007-01-15 #1 http://www.monkeyquiz.com/life/rate_my_life.html
胡 胡同里来的人 白金火钻翡翠金刚 VIP 注册 2006-01-31 消息 1,126 荣誉分数 155 声望点数 173 2007-01-16 #2 最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布 http://www.monkeyquiz.com/life/rate_my_life.html 点击展开... PT同学开始思考人生了嘛.你得啥分呀?
Martin Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-20 消息 7,497 荣誉分数 139 声望点数 193 2007-01-16 #3 Life 7.6 mind 6.7 body 8.2 spirit 6.2 F/F 5.2 Love 9.1 Finance 9.1
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2007-01-16 #4 Life 8.2 mind 7.1 body 8.9 spirit 6.4 F/F 5.6 Love 7.7 Finance 8.4
I Isabel 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2003-09-25 消息 2,608 荣誉分数 249 声望点数 193 2007-01-16 #5 Life 8.4 mind 8.4 body 6.8 spirit 8.3 F/F 5.6 Love 9.1 Finance 9.1
K kentridge 资深人士 注册 2003-07-29 消息 1,056 荣誉分数 54 声望点数 208 2007-01-16 #6 over average over 80% of students believe they are better off the 50% of class average and over 80% of drivers thinks they are the better half the drivers on the road. basically, that doesn't tell you nothing at all.
over average over 80% of students believe they are better off the 50% of class average and over 80% of drivers thinks they are the better half the drivers on the road. basically, that doesn't tell you nothing at all.
开喜 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-08-12 消息 8,186 荣誉分数 1,052 声望点数 323 2007-01-17 #7 Your Life Analysis: Life 8.6 Mind 8.3 Body 8.6 Spirit 7.2 Friends 6.5 Love 7.3 Finance 9.1
笑言 早期用户 管理成员 VIP 注册 2002-01-16 消息 5,925 荣誉分数 18,522 声望点数 1,393 2007-01-17 #9 Life: 8.4 Mind: 7.9 Body: 6.1 Spirit: 7.2 Friends/Family: 6.9 Love: 9.1 Finance: 8.5