The pull should be executed by the main tanks, simply by running to the platform and gathering up Moroes and his adds.
As many adds as possible should be crowd controlled. This can be accomplished by use of priests' shackle, paladins' fear (turn undead), and hunters' freezing traps. The remaining uncontrolled adds should be tanked and killed. If you have the Holy Priest, she should be killed first. If you have either of the warriors, they should be shackled and kept shackled, as they are extremely difficult to kill.
Two tanks will be on Moroes. One tank should be building aggro on both Moroes and the uncontrolled add(s). The adds need to be killed quickly, after which the raid can concentrate on Moroes. The off-tank should consistently remain second on the aggro list, because after a gouge Moroes will turn to the person with the second-highest aggro. When the offtank is blinded, it needs to be removed immediately by a Shaman, Paladin or Druid (it is a poison). If no one in the raid can remove poison, the main tank should turn his back to Moroes to avoid being gouged. If the off-tank is blinded and main tank is gouged, Moroes will run off into the healers or DPS.
Crowd control is extremely important during this fight. The incapacitated adds must not run free for long, as many of them can easily one shot cloth-wearers or heal Moroes. It is recommended shackle be applied every 5 seconds or so. If an add does break loose, a tank should taunt it; however he should not attack since the crowd control will ideally be reapplied soon. Note that the Paladin adds, and possibly the Priest adds as well, can cleanse Shackle from the other adds. Also be aware that the paladins can cast blessings on the Moroes and his entourage, so be ready to dispell or purge.
Priests: Be careful when using Shadowfiend on Moroes if all the mobs are being crowd controlled. When Moroes vanishes, your Shadowfiend may attempt to attack a Shackled add, possibly resulting in the premature death of a player. It is recommended that a Shadowfiend is not used, or used exactly when Moroes appears after a vanish.
Hunters/Warlocks: Keep track of your pet, make sure that it doesn't attempt to attack a shackled add when Moroes vanishes.
DPS Moroes steadily, and be sure to heal through the garrotes. Losing even one person on this fight can be devastating.
After Moroes dies, his adds will remain and will need to be killed.
Example: Moroes plus Shadowpriest, Holy Priest, Retribution Paladin & Mortal Strike Warrior
Pull as mentioned above. Putting MS Warrior on shackle, Retri-Paladin gets tanked by 2nd tank. First kill the Shadowpriest because she can cast mana burn (our WL got burned for full mana), while that, keep the holy priest busy, then focus her. Then DPS on Moroes. If you have a paladin along, have him fear the Retri-Paladin, so the 2nd tank is not too busy with tanking/taking damage from him. Stun of Paladin is purge/cleansable.