CFC club工会章程




Guild Name: CFC Club

Guild Master: Grubguard

Current guild size: around 130 members, at prime time, 30-35 members are online simultaneously

End Game Objective: High end PvE content

Guild Goal:
- Acquire a sufficient balance of classes through recruiting active sophisticated chinese player, for our end game PvE purposes
- Maintain a friendly, mature, close-knit yet dedicated environment for all our members
- Become a technically professional yet socially fun guild on our server
- Farm all PvE bosses

What We Offer:
We are competitive as a guild externally. Internally, we offer a friendly, close-knit environment. We offer professionalism & dedication. We believe in Apollo as one united unit. We do not promote individualism in guild play (ie. guild raid).

What We Demand:
Maturity is the number one priority. We will not allow racism, discrimination and insults from our guild members in both guild chat and general chat. Be courteous and professional. For example, irresponsible looting is definitely not allowed.
Follow your officer's lead closely in raids and dungeons.
We discourage battleground camping if you are not level 60. Our guild's primary priority is PvE, so level 60s are very important to us.
Applications to other guilds may result in gkick.

Guild Bank:

Recuitment Restrictions:
- Can speak Chinese and suffice in oral English
- Have sufficient amount of raiding experience
- Is technically healthy, have good connection, vent, KTM, etc
External Guild Relations: Grubguard, dragonfinder, xroy
Bank/Materials Control: Grubguard
Recruiting: Officers - Grubguard, dragonfinder, xroy, arazek, deadfish, snowind
Guild Member Relations: Grubguard, dragonfinder, xroy
Raid Leaders: Grubguard, Xaerok, xroy
Please contact specific Officers for your concerns and requests.

Guild Guidelines

Examples are in brackets (Example are by no means complete -- they are only one of the many scenarios that fall under the rule)

A. Community Rules

1. Courtesy -- amongst casual members
a. No racist talk ("nigger" / "chinese farmer" / "white trash")
b. Constructive Criticism are welcome, however, maintain it polite and suggestive
c. Less defensiveness after constructive criticism (A: "You should use hamstring on mobs with 1/3 health." B: "Stop telling me about my class.")

2. Maturity and Low-Drama
a. Do not exaggerate problems about others
b. Do not spam chat with trivial events (spamming "My fireball just critted for 1k")
c. Do not advertise trivial personal info in /g ("My dad owns FedEx")
d. Keep in mind others' perspectives (Do not spam "" as a reply to a question from someone who doesn't use thottbot -- just say "I can't help you if you don't use thottbot")
e. Have unity
(A is a dragonscale worker; he should not have to fight with tribal leatherworker B for dragon scales)
(Don't ridicule guildies)
(LFG more often with guildies)
f. Do not show off to fellow team members in a narcissistic manner ("I won that AV for us.")
g. You can be any age in real life, but you must have a mature online persona
h. Excessive defiance in public is discouraged (A: "Please stop spamming thottbot in guild chat" B: "" B: "")
i. Raising drama over difficult-to-enforce sections of the charter is discouraged ("I am gonna play alts on another server and there is nothing Apollo can do about it.")
ii. Avoid comments with a side effect of undermining our unity ("Let's merge into another guild")

B. Gameplay Competence Expectations

1. Active Self-Improvement
a. Ask for peer evaluation
b. Ask for advice from fellow members and try following it
c. Do not give sarcastic advice ("when the MT's health is low, heal him")
d. If you wipe, figure out where the miscommunication was -- and what went wrong
e. Debate questionable behaviour in a constructive manner
("I think you should bloodrage and spam sunder right after a taunt")
("I think you should let the caster mob dump mana on us because you will chain aggro if you run up")
("I think you should stop worrying about overheals")

2. Contributions to Guild Objectives
a. Actively Recruit
i. We seek balance in our class distribution
ii. warriors/hunters/rogues of any level are occasionally accepted only if the are a close friend with good credentials
iii. We can accept warr/hunt/rogu if they come in sufficiently small proportions when you ask for a group to join us
b. Actively Contribute
i. Gold is always welcome
ii. Super mana potions (or mats for them) are very important for high end raids
iii. Super health potions (or mats for them) are very important for high end raids
iv. Please keep other high end materials (for example: essence of water, larval acid, etc)
c. We discourage low leveling from camping BG:
i. They are not leveling -- our guild NEEDS 58+s quite badly
ii. They tend to be the weaker links in their teams
iii. Level 60s will be much more effective at PvP anyways

3. Activity
a. 21 days inactivity may result in gkick with exceptions
i. If you ask for an invite back, we will probably accept you
ii. Exceptions may be allowed if you talk to us beforehand
b. We strongly encourage the use of vent in even casual playing (casual questing or instances)
c. When showing up for guild events, we suggest being 30 minutes early; punctuality is a must.
d. Alts are discouraged before the primary main is 60 with decent gear.

C. Officer Responsibilities

1. Senior
a. Recruit more actively than the regular player
b. Conflict Resolution

2. Admiral
a. Exceptional Officers; They have the ability to /gkick and promote
b. Highest rank of officers

3. We are a meritocracy
a. The role of an officer is to make my life easier
i. Officership is based on commitment
ii. Officership is based on maturity
iii. Officership is based on contributions
b. Demotion is not a punishment
i. As you start playing like a higher ranked officer again, I will promote you back
c. Please do not get discouraged if you do not get promoted
i. There is a maximum cap on the number of "recognized" offcers
ii. It never hurts to take up what officer responsibilities you can even if you are not ranked as such
d. The expectations of maturity are higher for officers

D. Non-Officer Ranks

1. Everyone starts at member with a few exceptions

2. Veterans are exceptionally active members
a. They have stayed with us for an exceptionally long time
b. They have demonstrated certain officer-like behaviours

If, in your opinion, a fellow guildie breaks our policies, please let him know.
If he responds negatively, please let an officer know through wow-mail.
We will discuss the situation and work out an action with the parties involved.

Thank you,

Grubguard, Level 70 undead priest

Guildmaster of CFC Club


工会名称:CFC Club
工会大小:截止到Feb. 24, 2007,工会约有130人,半数以上为活跃成员。在黄金时间段上线人数稳定在30-35人左右。


- 通过招收活跃并且成熟的玩家进会,最终使工会各种职业达到平衡状态。
- 在工会内部保持一种友好,成熟的气氛,使会员之间的联系紧密。
- 成为一个技术上专业,人际上吸引人的工会
- 最后,希望我们能把所有高等级pve boss击败并达到"刷"的境界


- 在raid/副本中听raid officer的话。如果有意见,请留到完成之后向高级officer提出
- 在70级以前请不要花费大量的时间在bg上。工会现阶段以pve为主,而工会里有越多的70,对于pve的帮助就越大。
- 如果在会成员向其他工会提出入会申请,一旦发现将立刻被gkick.


- 能用普通话(国语)交流。有基本的英文对话能力(说和写)
- 有一定的raid经验
- 硬件上过硬:上网连接要好,会用ventrilo, 会设置ktm/ctraid等raid插件。最重要的是身体要健康=.=

- 对外交流:Grubguard, Dragonfinder, Xroy
- 仓库管理/材料分配:Grubguard
- 人事处(负责招收新成员):Grubguard, Dragonfinder,Xroy, Arazek, Deadfish, Snowwind
- 对内交流/人际关系处理:Grubguard, Dragonfinder, Xroy
- Raid领袖:Grubguard, Xaerok, Xroy



A. 社区行为准则:

1. 礼貌
a. 对于你不熟悉的会员不要轻易使用让人误解的称呼,包括过于亲密或者带有轻蔑/讽刺/挑衅的语言.
b. 如果你对某一位会员有意见,请在提出的时候使用建设性的措辞。注意保持语言之中的礼节。
c. 对于别人的意见,不要本能的排斥。(A: 对于会跑的怪,在1/3血的时候注意上一下斩脚/hamstring. B: 少告诉我怎么玩我的号)

2. 成熟/保持会员关系的平稳
a. 请不要夸张其他人的问题来达到自己的目的。
b. 不要gchat中反复贴出无关紧要的事情. (我的火球爆击1000啦~~~)
c. 不要gchat中对你的真实生活情况进行广播。大部分的时候,别人不会太上心。(我爸是连通老板)
d. 请注意其他会员的感受。(当一个不会用wowhead的会员提问时,不要只给出www.wowhead.com作为答案,而可以说"你要是坚持不用wowhead我不好帮你啊")
e. 注意团结
f. 请不要太自恋。自恋者人恒唾之。
g. 我们不在乎你有多大,只要你线上人格满18就好。
h. 公然和其他工会成员对着干的行为是不被鼓励的。情况严重者将会受到惩罚。
i. 在一些不容易执行的问题上掀起风浪,造成会中人心动荡的行为是不被鼓励的。情况严重者将会受到处罚。
j. 尽量避免使用带有歧义或者不恰当隐语的语言。(我们和xx工会合并吧~)

B. 会员游戏能力期望:

1. 主动的自我进步
a. 向工会同僚征求意见,怎样才能将本职业玩的更好。
b. 对于别人的意见,保持虚心的态度并且试着按照别人的意见来。
c. 提意见时请务必注意不要使用讽刺的语气。
d. 在团灭的情况下,大家应该一起讨论战斗情况并找出团灭原因。
e. 讨论中请尽量使用提议性而避免命令性或者讽刺性语言。

2. 对于工会的贡献:
a. 主动寻找工会新血
i. 我们的目标是工会内所有职业数量达到一个合理的平衡

b. 主动对工会作出贡献
i. Gold是永恒的好东西
ii. 大mana/health瓶在raid中十分重要。
iii. 高级材料(primal element, spellcloth等等)

c. 现阶段bg
i. 工会不鼓励非70级会员泡bg.
ii. 工会需要每一个70级会员,才会有最大效益。
iii. 泡bg将使bger的升级速度减到忽略不计。
iv. 70级bg会爽很多.....

3. 会员活动情况:
a. 21天不上线 = gkick
i. 如果找officer要求重新加入,我们应该会把你请回来。
ii. 如果提前打招呼,我们可以把你的号算作例外。

b. 请大家尽量多用vent, 无论是raid还是平时。

c. 当参加工会统一行动(raid/pvp presets)请大家尽量早到。守时应该是一个基本的要求。

d. 大号70并且装备不错以前,小号先放一放。

C. 官员责任表:

1. Senior
a. 比普通成员更热心于吸收新血。
b. 解决会员间纠纷

2. Admiral
a. 会长之下最高级的官员,可以/gkick或者升官/降级。

3. 能者为官:
a. 会中官员的存在是为了帮助普通会员玩的舒心,官员任命有3大要点
i. 对工会的投入
ii. 人格的成熟度
iii. 对工会的贡献

b. 降级不代表惩戒
i. 如果想要回到原来的级别,请努力做好你的本职工作。

c. 老不升官也不要气馁。
i. 会中的官职数量只有那么多
ii. 即便你不是官员,你如果平时多多承担官员的责任,那么你将会成为热门的下任候选人。
iii. 官员必须比普通会员更加的成熟冷静。

D. 非官员职位列表:
1. Member: 每人从这里开始

2. Veteran: 非常活跃的member将会被提升成为Veteran.
a. 此会员在会中资历很老。
b. 此会员在工会事件中担负起了一些官员的责任。


Grubguard, 70级UD牧师
GM of CFC Club
Andorhal Server, US Eastern Time.
靠。。。 my frost bolt just crited for 4k :D 这都不能说阿。。。 郁闷阿。。。 哈哈 我估计是第一个被gkick的~