Hunter Pots, Buffs, Enchants

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Riven
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So with the coming of BC, there has been a new arrival of useful pots, buffs, and enchans that are particular interest to us. In the spirit, of making ourselves as useful as possible I present a compilation of said buffs. pls post any buffs or info that would be useful or that i may have missed.


-Elixir of major agility- agi+35/ 20 Crit rating 1hr (1 terocone, 1 felweed)
-Onslaught elixir- 60 AP 1hr (1 mountain silversage, 1 felweed)
-Elixir of the Mongoose- agi + 25 / 28 crit rating 1hr ( 2 silversage, 2 plaguebloom) *stacks with Major agility* not confirmed if the agi bonuses stack. crit rating does for sure.
-Fel strength elixir- 120 AP, -20 stam. (2 terocone, 2 nightmare vine) *doesn't stack with onslaught elixir*
-Elixir of mageblood- 16mana/5 1hr ( 1 ancient lichen*, 1 netherbloom)
-elixir of Mastery- +15 to all stats 1hr (3 terocone, 1 felweed)
-Flask of Relentless assault- 360 AP 2hr ( 1 fel lotus, 10 mana thistle, 20 terocone) *major pew pew*
-Flask of distilled wisdom- 2000 mana, (30 dream foil, 10 ice cap, 1 black lotus) *old but helpful*
-Superior mana oil- 14/mana 5 sec ( enchanter creation. usable on duel weapons.)
-Haste potion- 400 haste rating (2 terocone, 1 netherbloom) *messes with shot rotation. be mindful* Should stack with Hawk buff/rapid fire/berserking. go pew pew something real fast
-Restorative potion- Removes 1 magic, curse, posion,disease every 5 secs for 30 secs. ( *excellent for emergency cleansing*

Misc buffs

Sporeling Snacks- 20 stam/spi tp PET (can't believe i forgot about these. btw wtb more pet buffs)
Grilled mudfish- 20 agi, 2o spit 30 mins
ravager dogs- 40 AP, 20 Spi 30 mins ( ravager flesh) * easily farmed*
Warp burger- 20 agi, 20 Spi 30 mins (warped flesh)
Ground Scorpok Assay- 25 agi 1hr ( blasted lands repeatable quest) *unique item*


Head- cenarion rep 34ap 10 hit rating.
Shoulders- scryer/aldor encant
Chest- +6 to stats, mana/health enchant.
bracers- 24ap or 6mana/5 depends on your preference.
gloves-24 ap or 15 agi
leggings- Cobrahide armor leg enchant
Feet- 12 agi. or cat's swiftness 12 agi/speed increase
Cloak- 12 agi
Weapon- Savagery (70 ap), 35 agi
if Duel wielding, 15 agi ( no new 1h agi enchants) or 30 int (while doesn't have the crit of 15 agi, if talented with careful aim gives rap similar to duel 15 agi, mana, and viper buff)
Ranged- adamantite scope 10dmg Khorium 12dmg
eternum stablizied 28 crit rating


Ironbite- 32 dps
Adamantie-37dps (engineer made) 1 elemental blasting powder, 2 adamantite bars
TImeless shell- 50 dps (Caverns of time/scales of sand rep)

blackfight arrow- 32dps
Green warden arrows- 37 dps (cenarion revered rep)
Timeless arrow- 50 dps (caverns of time/scales of sand rep)

Halla ammo unique- 38.5 dps (only 1 stack, good for heavy dps, Ammo is switchable within combat and doesn't trigger GCD)

Class Buffs

Gift of the wild- +14 to all stats, 25 resists to all 340 armor
prayer of fortitude- 79 stam
Blessing of might- 220 rap
Blessing of wisdom- 41mana/5 sec
Blessing of Kings- 10% stat buff
blessing of salvation- -threat caused
Arcane brilliance- +40 int
Grace of air- +77agi


- +16 AP - bright living ruby
- +4 agi and +6 stam - shifting nightseye
- +4 hit and +4 agi - glinting noble topaz
- +8 agi - delicate living ruby

- +4 agi and +6 stam - shifting nightseye
- +12 stam - solid star of elune
- +4 crit and +6 stam - jagged talasite
- 3MP5 - lustrous star of elune

- +8 int - brilliant dawnstone
- +4 hit and +4 agi - glinting noble topaz
- +8 hit - rigid dawnstone
- +4 crit and +6 stam - jagged talasite
- +8 crit - smooth dawnstone

- +12 crit % 5snare and root resist- enigmatic skyfire diamond

- more red gems than yellow gems

- +24 AP and minor run speed- swift skyfire diamond

- least 2 yellow gems, least one red gem

- +18 stam and 5% stun resist- powerful earthstorm diamond

- least 5 blue gems


- +12 AP - mighty blood garnet
- +14 AP - mighty blood garnet
- +8 AP - bright tourmaline
- +4 agi - delicate tourmaline
- +20 AP - bold ornate ruby- EPIC
- +10 AP and +5 crit - inscribed ornate topaz- EPIC

- +3 stam and +4 crit - barbed deep peridot
- +6 stam - solid zircon
- +3 stam +4 crit - barbed deep peridot

- +3 stam and +4 crit - barbed deep peridot
- +4 int - brilliant amber
- +4 hit - rigid amber
- +4 crit - smooth amber
- +10 resi - sublime mystic dawnstone- EPIC
- +10 crit - smooth ornate dawnstone- EPIC
- +3 stam +4 crit - barbed deep peridot

- +20 aP and minor run speed - swift windfire diamond

- least 2 yellow gem, least 1 red gem


- +6 agi - delicate blood garnet
- +3 hit and +3 agi - glinting flame spessarite
- +12 AP - bright blood garnet
- +3 agi and +4 stam - shifting shadow draenite

- +3 crit and +4stam - jagged deep peridot
- +9 stam - solid azure moonstone
- +3 agi and +4 stam - shifting shadow draenite

- +3 hit and +3 agi - glinting flame spessarite
- +6 int - brilliant golden draenite
- +3 crit and +4 stam - jagged deep peridot
- +6 crit - smooth golden draenite
- +6 hit - rigid golden draenite
will cast misdirection on the target you specify without ever switching your target.
/cast [target=NAMEOFTANK] Misdirection