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What does that mean? Platter or Basket?
Here are what I got from English dictionary
Main Entry: plat・ter
Pronunciation: 'pla-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English plater, from Anglo-French, from Middle French plat plate
Date: 13th century
1 a : a large plate used especially for serving meat b : PLATE 3c(2)
2 : a phonograph record
- plat・ter・ful /-"ful/ noun
- on a platter : without effort : very easily <can have the presidency on a platter -- Jonathan Daniels>
Main Entry: bas・ket
Pronunciation: 'bas-kit, British also 'bäs-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably from (assumed) Old North French baskot; akin to Old French baschoue wooden vessel; both from Latin bascauda kind of basin, of Celtic origin; akin to Middle Irish basc necklace -- more at FASCIA
Date: 14th century
1 a : a receptacle made of interwoven material (as osiers) b : any of various lightweight usually wood containers c : the quantity contained in a basket
2 : something that resembles a basket especially in shape or use
3 a : a net open at the bottom and suspended from a metal ring that constitutes the goal in basketball b : a field goal in basketball
4 a : an aggregate of values (as of selected currencies) the average of which serves as a monetary standard b : a selection of financial instruments (as equities, futures, or options) the values of which reflect market fluctuations
5 : a ring around the lower end of a ski pole that keeps the pole from sinking too deep in snow
- bas・ket・like /-"lIk/ adjective