Farmboy coupon

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I buy some stuff at Farmboy today and I got a coupon: "$2 off your next purchase of any Farmboy platter or basket". I don't know the meaning.If I want to buy some vegetalbe or fruit next time, can i get $2 free?
应该是的。看看有没有 EXPIRE DATE,注意别过期了。
Thank you.But what's the meaning of "Platter or basket"?
最初由 ppbb 发布

What does that mean? Platter or Basket?

Here are what I got from English dictionary

Main Entry: plat・ter
Pronunciation: 'pla-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English plater, from Anglo-French, from Middle French plat plate
Date: 13th century
1 a : a large plate used especially for serving meat b : PLATE 3c(2)
2 : a phonograph record
- plat・ter・ful /-"ful/ noun
- on a platter : without effort : very easily <can have the presidency on a platter -- Jonathan Daniels>
Main Entry: bas・ket
Pronunciation: 'bas-kit, British also 'b&auml;s-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably from (assumed) Old North French baskot; akin to Old French baschoue wooden vessel; both from Latin bascauda kind of basin, of Celtic origin; akin to Middle Irish basc necklace -- more at FASCIA
Date: 14th century
1 a : a receptacle made of interwoven material (as osiers) b : any of various lightweight usually wood containers c : the quantity contained in a basket
2 : something that resembles a basket especially in shape or use
3 a : a net open at the bottom and suspended from a metal ring that constitutes the goal in basketball b : a field goal in basketball
4 a : an aggregate of values (as of selected currencies) the average of which serves as a monetary standard b : a selection of financial instruments (as equities, futures, or options) the values of which reflect market fluctuations
5 : a ring around the lower end of a ski pole that keeps the pole from sinking too deep in snow
- bas・ket・like /-"lIk/ adjective
最初由 moose 发布
Thank you.But what's the meaning of "Platter or basket"?

Platter: it is a big plate with sandwiches or cheese with some fruit, or cold meat etc. It is the common party food. Usually in company party you will see it. Canadians like to buy them when they have a party.

Basket: It is the basket with all kinds of jams, teas, coffee fruit or pasta etc. You see them everywhere in Grocery stores or Department stores, and Costco etc. People often buy basket as Christmas gift for friends or family.