Shoppers 5.19/20 redemption, 75,000点可以换$200东西

最初由 梦里忆江南 发布

Where did you get this tip? Thanks.
现在怎么也收不到shoppers的notice了,有没有mm和我又一样的问题?:confused: :confused: :confused:

This deal is confirmed! Have got postcards in the mail. Time to start a list for this weekend.

With the next secret points event coming the following weekend, I will be so broke at SDM.
Re: Confirmed

Thanks for the information
And take it easy!!

最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布
This deal is confirmed! Have got postcards in the mail. Time to start a list for this weekend.

With the next secret points event coming the following weekend, I will be so broke at SDM.