
That is called "OFF". you can buy it from drug store.
Also at Loblaws, Independent....
I just bought one today. Make sure it's marked for kids.
Re: 什么牌子的?

The one I bought is trademarked as "OFF!" "Skintastic" spray insect repellent for use on kids.

Read the instruction and precaution first, then decide if you want to buy it or not.

Re: 上面的使用说明说12岁以下的孩子不可以用呀?

On the back of the one I bought, it says NOT for baby under 6 months.
Apply only once a day for kids in 6 months to 2 years. Not for daily use.Avoid hands.
In 2 to 12 year olds,no more than 3 times a day.Avoid eyes, mouth...........etc.