小 小猪妈妈 知名会员 VIP 注册 2006-11-12 消息 640 荣誉分数 41 声望点数 138 2007-05-27 #1 买过几个不沾锅,都用的木头铲子。怎么小心都不久就有划痕。据说有划痕就不能用拉~对健康有害阿 我本来想买个铁锅算了,但是唐人街看了一下,质量看起来很差啊。 大家有没有什么好牌子的炒锅可以推荐一下。最好是深一点的适合中国人炒菜的。 谢谢
买过几个不沾锅,都用的木头铲子。怎么小心都不久就有划痕。据说有划痕就不能用拉~对健康有害阿 我本来想买个铁锅算了,但是唐人街看了一下,质量看起来很差啊。 大家有没有什么好牌子的炒锅可以推荐一下。最好是深一点的适合中国人炒菜的。 谢谢
赊月 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-06-24 消息 725 荣誉分数 110 声望点数 153 2007-05-30 #2 I got mine from Costco, $24.99 with lids, can use around 2 yrs. pretty heavy one. After you cook something, you can't put your non-stick pot in the cold water, it might damage the surface, let it cool naturely or fry vege first then sticky stuff.
I got mine from Costco, $24.99 with lids, can use around 2 yrs. pretty heavy one. After you cook something, you can't put your non-stick pot in the cold water, it might damage the surface, let it cool naturely or fry vege first then sticky stuff.