G Grace11 新手上路 注册 2006-09-02 消息 117 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 28 2007-06-03 #1 姐妹们, 请给推荐英文或法语的暑期班, 因为孩子来的时间不长, 担心一放假,他把刚学的全忘了. 谢了先!
kliu 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-01-28 消息 828 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 128 2007-06-04 #2 The Morgan's Grant Montessori has summer program for 2.5 years old + We went to their open house before and got a referral coupon. You can mention that you have a referral coupon, and that might save you some money. http://www.morgansgrantmontessori.com/news.html http://www.morgansgrantmontessori.com/Reg_SP_07b.pdf
The Morgan's Grant Montessori has summer program for 2.5 years old + We went to their open house before and got a referral coupon. You can mention that you have a referral coupon, and that might save you some money. http://www.morgansgrantmontessori.com/news.html http://www.morgansgrantmontessori.com/Reg_SP_07b.pdf
G Grace11 新手上路 注册 2006-09-02 消息 117 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 28 2007-06-04 #3 Thanks a lot 谢谢Kliu, 不知在Carling Wood 附近有没有?
Sean Mama Moderator VIP 注册 2005-04-03 消息 5,314 荣誉分数 173 声望点数 93 2011-05-31 #7 Grace11 说: 谢谢Kliu, 不知在Carling Wood 附近有没有? 点击展开... 如果你指的是summer camp,在dovercourt recreation centre 就有很多好的camp。就在dovercourt路上,离carling wood 不远。
Grace11 说: 谢谢Kliu, 不知在Carling Wood 附近有没有? 点击展开... 如果你指的是summer camp,在dovercourt recreation centre 就有很多好的camp。就在dovercourt路上,离carling wood 不远。
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,619 荣誉分数 8,402 声望点数 373 2011-05-31 #8 summer school可不是人人都能去的。 只有老师认为你孩子英文有问题或是别的科目有问题才会叫你孩子去summer school。:blink::blink::blink: