超大容量3.2 cu.ft.
两段水量(Two Water Levels)
两段水温(Two Water Temperatures)
特设洗衣剂、漂白剂、柔软剂添加口(Detergent Dispenser, Bleach Dispenser, Fabric Softener Dispenser)
五段洗衣循环(Normal, Heavy Duty, Whites, Soak, Delicate)
特设洗衣循环(Silk, Wool, Handwash, Prewash, Extra Rinse)
洗衣完成讯号(End of Cycle Signal)
超大容量5.9 cu.ft.
定时乾衣计时器(Timed dry)
自动湿度感应器(Automatic Moisture Sensing)
四段乾衣温度(Four Drying Temperatures)
特设乾衣循环(Air Dry, Sensor Dry, Touch Up, Towel, Ultra Delicate, Wrinkle Reduction)
乾衣完成讯号(End of Cycle Signal)
七月八号前一定要卖出,近渥太华 Southkey 区
请速速联络 forsell◎telus.net 先到先得
超大容量3.2 cu.ft.
两段水量(Two Water Levels)
两段水温(Two Water Temperatures)
特设洗衣剂、漂白剂、柔软剂添加口(Detergent Dispenser, Bleach Dispenser, Fabric Softener Dispenser)
五段洗衣循环(Normal, Heavy Duty, Whites, Soak, Delicate)
特设洗衣循环(Silk, Wool, Handwash, Prewash, Extra Rinse)
洗衣完成讯号(End of Cycle Signal)
超大容量5.9 cu.ft.
定时乾衣计时器(Timed dry)
自动湿度感应器(Automatic Moisture Sensing)
四段乾衣温度(Four Drying Temperatures)
特设乾衣循环(Air Dry, Sensor Dry, Touch Up, Towel, Ultra Delicate, Wrinkle Reduction)
乾衣完成讯号(End of Cycle Signal)
七月八号前一定要卖出,近渥太华 Southkey 区
请速速联络 forsell◎telus.net 先到先得