绿橄榄 资深人士 VIP 注册 2006-12-04 消息 947 荣誉分数 505 声望点数 203 2007-06-17 #1 晚了,不过,总算还是今天。祝所有的当父亲的男子汉们幸福,快乐,健康,活泼......
TXK 他乡客 VIP 注册 2005-08-24 消息 4,244 荣誉分数 1,530 声望点数 373 2007-06-17 #2 谢谢绿橄榄的祝愿(不是想当什么代表 ). 刚刚接到儿子从多伦多打来的问候电话才想起今天是父亲节. 感想吗:在家当个男人,容易吗我?
xiaomage Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-17 消息 2,893 荣誉分数 289 声望点数 213 所在地 渥村仕同湾 2007-06-17 #3 谢谢绿橄榄. :thanks: I would be a totally different man without my son. I shall thank him for making my life complete, making me feel, like the name of a movie, "La vita è bella" (美丽人生).
谢谢绿橄榄. :thanks: I would be a totally different man without my son. I shall thank him for making my life complete, making me feel, like the name of a movie, "La vita è bella" (美丽人生).