W WeiWau 新手上路 注册 2006-08-23 消息 70 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 16 2007-06-18 #1 What is the date for this even this year?
1784 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-05-22 消息 22,968 荣誉分数 902 声望点数 293 2007-06-21 #4 swim crossing the river? wow!!! keep me posted, so interested
W WeiWau 新手上路 注册 2006-08-23 消息 70 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 16 2007-06-22 #5 Yes, it is. I learned the even from photos of last year, and will take for this year, hopefully it can be developed into city activity like dragon boat.
Yes, it is. I learned the even from photos of last year, and will take for this year, hopefully it can be developed into city activity like dragon boat.
shusheng CFC 分析员 VIP 注册 2003-07-10 消息 9,868 荣誉分数 440 声望点数 193 2007-06-22 #6 2005 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=399359 2006 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=487291&perpage=15&pagenumber=1
2005 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=399359 2006 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=487291&perpage=15&pagenumber=1
W waterwalker 知名会员 VIP 注册 2003-03-27 消息 1,364 荣誉分数 29 声望点数 158 2007-06-23 #11 最初由 Jingle 发布 little fish ya. 点击展开... 小鲸鱼?
wuwei 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-01-30 消息 11,781 荣誉分数 578 声望点数 273 2007-06-24 #12 最初由 waterwalker 发布 小鲸鱼? 点击展开... 嗯,吃人的那种
Jingle 本站元老 VIP 注册 2004-01-06 消息 11,126 荣誉分数 4,088 声望点数 373 2007-07-04 #14 最初由 waterwalker 发布 小鲸鱼? 点击展开... 这我倒没想过。小鱼儿另有其人,hau是也。
Jingle 本站元老 VIP 注册 2004-01-06 消息 11,126 荣誉分数 4,088 声望点数 373 2007-07-04 #15 最初由 wuwei 发布 嗯,吃人的那种 点击展开... 偶家小鲸鱼不吃人!