Sponsor immigration visa for my mother in law



My mother-in-law recently came to visit us. My wife and I are planning to sponsor her to immigrate to Canada. We are wondering whether she could apply in Canada. She will be back to China in three months. The reason why she wants to apply here is that it probably takes much longer time in China. Could anyone clarify our puzzles here? Thanks in advance!
Please ask her to apply from China. I have tried to apply immigration for my father in-law from Canada while he has visitor visa, it has been 2 years and he still is waiting for the result.He will return to China on January, because his visa can't be extended any more.

Now, CIC won't give you visitor visa extension, so you mother in law will be better to apply from China. Trust me for her and your sake, don't apply from here.
现在各方面的消息都不清晰,建议你直接问CIC,他们通常还是很通情理的。 :)
也有消息说,现在申请immigrantion必须在居住地呆满1年以上,所以打电话给CIC,他们说可以就没事了,至于visitor visa续签的问题,一般一年都没有问题。
Thanks for your sharing experience!

May I ask whether your father-in-law has gone through medical examination or not. Have you called the CIC for the status? I have heard that someone got it in abount half year. Maybe everyone case is specific.
Hi Jane,

Thanks for your suggestion! I will call CIC tomorrow.

Good Night
最初由 ChinaFarmer 发布
Thanks for your sharing experience!

May I ask whether your father-in-law has gone through medical examination or not. Have you called the CIC for the status? I have heard that someone got it in abount half year. Maybe everyone case is specific.

It is true every case is different.

CIC doesn't want to handle the immigration via Buffalo, hence the cost etc. It is also very complicated to get a visa from US embassy for my father in law to attend the interview in Buffalo.

CIC also doesn't extend visitor visa more than six month, which made it impossible for you have the immigration application complete in one year.

My father in law went through the health exam and in person interview. What I am saying is that you are not sure if your mother in law's case is going to be a smooth sailing one. What if CIC wants her to go through all the procedures, then you will have to go through it without any choice. That also means she will have to stay here until everything is done. After 911, CIC handles immigration in a different manner, they don't care what age is the applicant, to them everyone is a potential terrorist, which I think it is totally stupid. But what can we do? CIC makes the call.
So far, I think CIC is nice. Because it was CIC that told me to apply via Buffalo.
My parents' case was after 911, only medical exam which last 5 months. :(
But no interview and visa came out right in time. One month before the visitor vis expired, we applied for the extend again, but the Landing Paper came in and the extend application returned with fee came after that. The only problem for case via Buffalo, you can't enquire the process through calling CIC, you have to be patient.
I submitted the application in November 2000, he had his health examed in July 2001. In October 2002, he had an interview in Buffalo. During the process he has to extend his visa for 3 times. Now he has to wait but his visa will be expired soon and he was told during the interview that CIC won't give him another extension.

Every case is different, some officers like to go through the procedures from A to Z, but others will only focus on the important things. That is why some people will get their result faster than others.

I think luck has some thing to do with it as well. I just feel bad for him that he has to wait for that long and still didn't get his immigration paper, the time he wasted, he could have gone back home with his family. Any way "Ces le vie".
Why did your father-in-law needs to go the Bufflo for interview. The case processing center is Mississauga. Am I right?
最初由 ChinaFarmer 发布
Why did your father-in-law needs to go the Bufflo for interview. The case processing center is Mississauga. Am I right?

Because he is not landed, and his status is a visitor, therefore, his interview will take place in the Canadian Counselor outside of Canada. For me Buffalo is the closest. I know you can choose to go to New York City or Detroit as well. The Case processing centre doesn't conduct interviews.
I see! So we could choose the location of consulate for interview. Is it possible to
choose select Beijing or Shanghai. I am just afraid that my mother-in-law would not be
able to stay long enough.
Only Beijing not Shanghai!
And the case must be processed in Beijing Office.
If the case is processed in Buffalo, the interview should be taken in U.S.
I am not sure if they can transfer the file from Buffalo office to Beijing office. You may need to speak with an immigration officer.

Once you submit your application to Buffalo, they will open a file and you will receive a file number. They will tell you to refer to that number for any future activities.

If you want the Canadian Embassy in China to handle this, you probably best to apply from back home. Otherwise you can apply from here and she would just have to wait. You never know, maybe your mother-in-law's case will be dealt faster as Jane's parents. I also have many friends sponsoring their parents and they get very quick results. Hard to predict.

Good luck.