中文难学 Winston Liu(11岁),

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The Hardships of Learning Chinese
Winston Liu (11岁),翻译:北美老牛(2007-04-04 上午12:37),
{http://www.chinesenewsgroup.com/SMPApp/design/article.jsp?cate=7&artId=3508 }


I was born in 1995 in Beijing, China. When I was only five years old my mom and I left for Toronto via Vancouver, where my dad was waiting for us. Of the five years I lived in China, two were spent in “Six One Kindergarten”, one of the best kindergartens in Beijing at that time. The sponsorship for that kindergarten was a premium price of twenty thousand Chinese Yuan. Thus I learned many Chinese words, poems and many songs. I still remember leaving the kindergarten, turning around to look back at my former classmates who were staring out the window at me. Little did I know then that this event would change my life forever.


English and French are the official languages of Canada, so learning English is extremely easy. But learning Chinese in a mostly English environment is considerably difficult, considering the fact that Chinese is harder than English. Even remembering Chinese words is hard. That is why after I came to Canada my Chinese skills went into a rapid downfall.


When I landed on this country my parents enrolled me in a public Chinese class. When they looked in near the end of the class, they found me at the front leading the rest of the kids in a reading exercise. They found out later that then my Chinese pronunciation was more professional than the teacher’s. However, a few years after that, my Chinese, as my dad once said, was no better than a Grade One’s in China. For example, many poems like the “Seven-step Poem” that I learned in “Six One Kindergarten” were forgotten in Canada. Also many words I learned in China like “Fresh” (The left side is “Fish” and the right side is “Sheep”), I forgot in Canada; many songs I learned also faded from my memory. I think the main reason I forgot all that stuff was because of lack of usage, or in plain English, they were forgotten because I didn’t need them in this environment.


After I moved to Canada my parents immediately sent me to the public Chinese school, and later a private Chinese school in Toronto. Few years ago when we moved back to Mississauga my parents sent me back to the public Chinese school again. Then the Peel Education Board made a really dumb rule concerning public Chinese school. It was that whatever grade you were in English school is what grade you are in Chinese school. This particular rule caused frustration to many teachers and inconvenience to many students, including me. I was in Grad 4 in English school, so I had to go to grade 4 in Chinese school; but the problem was I had already studied grade 4 Chinese in the private school. In fact I had finished Grade 5. My dad wanted me to go into grade 6 but the registration people wouldn’t let me. Finally after my dad bombarded the board with dozens of emails, letters and phone calls I was allowed to enter grade 5 Chinese. But that wasn’t the end of the problems, because of the board’s rule, even grade 5s who didn’t know a single word of Chinese were put in grade 5 Chinese class. Some classmates didn’t pay attention in class. When the teacher’s back was turned they threw paper balls and paper airplanes at each other; they called this game “nuclear-war”. I hardly learned anything in public Chinese school.


A few weeks later my parents decided that I wasn’t learning anything and took me out of the Chinese school. Then they put me into a private Chinese school that is where I learn today. Every week I learned new words, but a few weeks later I would forget them. The only way I could learn new words is to repeat them, once in a while and keep on repeating them even after I have been tested on them. Learning Chinese in Canada is really hard because without the environment to unknowingly repeat the new vocabulary, I would have to restart all over again. Assuming if I would meet a street sign that says a word I’m trying to learn, it would force me to repeat the word in my mind. That would increase my chances of memorizing it.


Even though learning Chinese is very hard I do not plan on quitting. This is because of what my Chinese teacher and my parents have told me, that China is becoming a major industrial nation and that knowing Chinese would help boost your chances of getting hired by a company that imports materials from China. Compared with a few of my friends I’m pretty lucky. Some of my friends didn’t go to Chinese school until it was too late, or learned at home. Learn at home isn’t effective because most people lack the long term determination and self discipline to keep learning. One of my friends is an example of this. He tried learning at home, but his attempts were fruitless; now he has to attend a beginner grade 6 in public Chinese school. Another friend didn’t go to Chinese school, now he speaks only English. Once my dad asked him what his Chinese name was. He tried to say it many times. In the end my dad still didn’t know his name.


Learning Chinese is very difficult. It will probably take a long time for my Chinese to be very good. Right now my Chinese is not praiseworthy, that is why I am writing this article in English.


Living in Canada]
