渥太华山东同乡会(2007)夏季野餐聚会通知 (请大家告诉大家)

Mt. Taishan

渥太华山东同乡会 2007同乡会夏季野餐聚会 通知

日期,时间:8月11日(星期六), 上午10:30 - 下午 5:00

地点: Britannia Park (见以下地图)(2805 Carling Ave)

活动内容:同乡自我介绍,交换联系方式,会员注册及会员卡的发放($3), 新闻发布, 聚餐(Potluck)及游戏,游泳,球类,风筝,扑克等





有人提议搞个 “猪八戒背媳妇”比赛,能成吗? 请大家集思广益,多提点子!

PotLuck (ZT)

A potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group.

Synonyms include: potluck dinner, Jacob's join[1][2], Jacob's supper, faith supper, covered dish supper, pitch-in, carry-in.

The word "potluck" is sometimes thought to stem from the Native American custom of potlatch, but in fact the word is of English origin. It is a portmanteau word formed from (cooking) pot and luck. The earliest written citation is from 1592: "That that pure sanguine complexion of yours may never be famisht with pot lucke," Thomas Nashe.[3] As this shows, the original meaning was "food given away to guests", probably derived from "whatever food one is lucky enough to find in the pot", i.e. whatever food happens to be available, especially when offered to a guest. By extension, a more general meaning is "whatever is available in a particular circumstance or at a particular time."

Potluck dinners are often organized by religious or community groups, since they simplify the meal planning and distribute the costs among the participants. Smaller, more informal get-togethers with distributed food preparation may also be called potlucks. The only traditional rule is that each dish be large enough to be shared among a good portion (but not necessarily all) of the anticipated guests. In some cases each participant agrees ahead of time to bring a single course, and the result is a multi-course meal. Guests may bring in any form of food, ranging from the main course to flavourful deserts.

A variation on the potluck dinner is the rota meal, short for rotation. With rota, participants take turns providing food for the entire group, rather than each participant bringing a dish. For regular meals with a fairly consistent set of participants, this dramatically reduces the amount of preparation effort required.