This Saturday(July 28th), Cecillia and Bill Wong will generously offer a Merengue lesson before the party. It will be an entry level yet fun routine. Cecillia and Bill have been taking dance lessons at different studios for the past couple years and they also dance multiple times every week. If you intend to take the lesson, please arrive before 6:25. We will spend 5 minutes to warm up and the lesson will start at 6:30. No partner required.
Time: July 28th, lesson starts at 6:30pm, party starts at 7:30pm
Address:397 Kent
For the week of Aug. 4th, Andrew will come again to help us review the Salsa routine we learnt so far, also he will teach a small piece of ChaCha. Andrew also prepared a syllabus of the Salsa steps covered, it will be sent to you if you are on our mail list.
//If you are interested in receiving future notices, please send email to:(
* Etiquette of the week:
Say Yes. Being declined is unpleasant, try to avoid that. If you do decline due to not knowing the dance or taking a rest, it's improper to accept the same dance from someone else.
本周末二十八日,Cecillia和Bill Wong将热心来给初学的舞友们讲授一节拉丁舞Merengue. Cecillia夫妇学舞多年且倾心投入,虽离周末尚早,他们已经开始研究要教的套路。有兴趣的舞友请提前五分钟到场热身,这样他们可以了解舞友情况,酌情增减舞步。
时间:七月二十八日(周六)晚, 教舞:六点半,舞会:七点半至十一点
地点:397 Kent
另Andrew Singmin先生将在八月四日舞会之前来教一段恰恰,之后会帮我们复习讲过的Salsa套路。有兴趣学舞的朋友请在六点半到场,不需要带舞伴。Andrew还热心地打出我们学过的Salsa舞步,我们会发送给在我们邮件表上的舞友们。
Time: July 28th, lesson starts at 6:30pm, party starts at 7:30pm
Address:397 Kent
For the week of Aug. 4th, Andrew will come again to help us review the Salsa routine we learnt so far, also he will teach a small piece of ChaCha. Andrew also prepared a syllabus of the Salsa steps covered, it will be sent to you if you are on our mail list.
//If you are interested in receiving future notices, please send email to:(
* Etiquette of the week:
Say Yes. Being declined is unpleasant, try to avoid that. If you do decline due to not knowing the dance or taking a rest, it's improper to accept the same dance from someone else.
本周末二十八日,Cecillia和Bill Wong将热心来给初学的舞友们讲授一节拉丁舞Merengue. Cecillia夫妇学舞多年且倾心投入,虽离周末尚早,他们已经开始研究要教的套路。有兴趣的舞友请提前五分钟到场热身,这样他们可以了解舞友情况,酌情增减舞步。
时间:七月二十八日(周六)晚, 教舞:六点半,舞会:七点半至十一点
地点:397 Kent
另Andrew Singmin先生将在八月四日舞会之前来教一段恰恰,之后会帮我们复习讲过的Salsa套路。有兴趣学舞的朋友请在六点半到场,不需要带舞伴。Andrew还热心地打出我们学过的Salsa舞步,我们会发送给在我们邮件表上的舞友们。