闲丸 头号老实人 VIP 注册 2005-12-12 消息 5,465 荣誉分数 472 声望点数 243 2007-08-02 #1 厚厚,当时情急,没支脚架。一些手持的,还有一些就是把相机放在阳台上拍的。取景没有选择啦。 1、忽一人大呼:火起!
闲丸 头号老实人 VIP 注册 2005-12-12 消息 5,465 荣誉分数 472 声望点数 243 2007-08-02 #4 4、大家都疏散到了停车场,火基本灭了。警察叔叔也来了。消防员还在屋里做善后
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2007-08-02 #6 Firefighters, and the Ottawa police arson unit, busy this morning. Did not see any pictures in the news below. They should use couple of your pix in the news. http://www.ottawasun.com/News/BreakingNews/2007/08/02/4388136.html
Firefighters, and the Ottawa police arson unit, busy this morning. Did not see any pictures in the news below. They should use couple of your pix in the news. http://www.ottawasun.com/News/BreakingNews/2007/08/02/4388136.html