What ATA box are you using? I'm using Linksys PAP2, only followings need to configure. All others are default.
SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.VoipStunt.com
Proxy server : sip.VoipStunt.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your account
Password : your pwd
Display name/number : Any
Use Outbound Proxy: no
Register: yes
Register Expires: 120 (shorter interval to make sure it reconnects to the server frequently, in case there's network problem)
Make Call Without Reg: yes
最初由 sunset 发布 好不容易unlock的,一reset的话就又回去了。呵呵。我现在的出错信息是can not connect to login server。 应该不会是router的问题,因为vbuzzer是好用的,我还试过voipbuster的免费的几分钟,也没问题.会不会与我帐户里还没钱有关?
If you don't have the GPP K key to unlock it, don't try the reset.
Try to set up port forwarding on your router. You must specify that four port ranges be forwarded to the IP address of the Phone Adapter. These four port ranges are as follows: 5060-5061 (UDP), 53-53 (UDP), 69-69 (UDP), and 10000-20000 (UDP).