Cafeteria 请工
part-time job in a cafeteria which is close to St.laurent shopping certer and next to highway 417. OC transit way in two minute walking distance. Bus #95, #111, stop next to the building.
If you are interested, (After 2::00PM) Please contact 613--746-4799, (between 7:30PM to 9:00PM) please contact 613-842-4998.
part-time job in a cafeteria which is close to St.laurent shopping certer and next to highway 417. OC transit way in two minute walking distance. Bus #95, #111, stop next to the building.
If you are interested, (After 2::00PM) Please contact 613--746-4799, (between 7:30PM to 9:00PM) please contact 613-842-4998.