birthday party catering


Has anyone here tried one of those birthday party caterers? Any one you can recommend? So far we only know:

- Gymboree
- Starr Gym
- McDonald
- Kids Zone
- Cosmic Adventure

Any other fun ones? Thanks.
My sister and I both had it for 1st bday in Gymboree. I think it's good for the kids who don't have chances to play in such environment before. My son had attended class since 2 months old, so he wasn't too excited, but all the other kids were happy.

My sister had the 2nd bday in the kids gym (forgot the name), and I think it's not suitable for children who are younger. Those who were > 5 years old were very happy though.
最初由 marklin 发布
Has anyone here tried one of those birthday party caterers? Any one you can recommend? So far we only know:

- Gymboree
- Starr Gym
- McDonald
- Kids Zone
- Cosmic Adventure

Any other fun ones? Thanks.

It's up to how old your kid is.

midway, swimming pool, kids sport world(something like that).
a lot of other place

such as museums, like science and Tech..
some private kids play place, such as Valleyview Little Animal Farm,
papanack zoo, saunders farm.....
Thanks for all the suggestions! However I should have been more specific..:-)

It's for a 4 year old, birthday in November, so I figure outdoor activities are out of consideration due to cold weather.