Hamster cage for sale
Hamster cage $ 20 (no delivery)
excellent condition, as good as new.
- ceramic bowl (and a plastic bowl)
- water bottle
- running wheel
- hamster toilet (and 2 boxes of toilet sand)
- plastic tubes (for extensions)
- Hamster food
- bedding & cotton
- hamster hair brush
- hamster house (have 2 of them)
address: 1435 prince of wales Drive
phone: 613-262- 4915
Hamster cage $ 20 (no delivery)
excellent condition, as good as new.
- ceramic bowl (and a plastic bowl)
- water bottle
- running wheel
- hamster toilet (and 2 boxes of toilet sand)
- plastic tubes (for extensions)
- Hamster food
- bedding & cotton
- hamster hair brush
- hamster house (have 2 of them)
address: 1435 prince of wales Drive
phone: 613-262- 4915