HAPPY123 新手上路 VIP 注册 2007-09-14 消息 212 荣誉分数 337 声望点数 0 2007-09-30 #1 妈妈身上起来很多红色圆形突起斑点 有硬币那么大 感觉痒 不知道什么原因引起的 不知道这里哪位大夫是皮肤方面专家? btw, 妈妈来这里探亲 没有医疗保险 可以在这里的中医看病吗 谢谢
M Mayme 新手上路 注册 2004-09-23 消息 188 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2007-10-17 #2 she can visit local communicty clinic with her passport It is free to see a nurse, a nurse practitioner or a physician; however,any medical examinations or treatment will be charged.
she can visit local communicty clinic with her passport It is free to see a nurse, a nurse practitioner or a physician; however,any medical examinations or treatment will be charged.