Take HWY 416 (then old HWY 16 for a short drive) all the way to the Canada/US border, don't have to stop for the Canadian border control (actually, Customes), and keep driving across the bridge.
At the other side of the bridge, there is the US Customs/Home Security Office (border control). You'll have to stop there and answer questions from an officer. You will tell her/him what you are there for, of course. You will then be asked to park your vehicle at a designated area and go inside. After a few questions inside, you will be handed a slip saying that you are refused for an entry into the USA.
Take this slip and all your documents, get into your vehicle, turn around, and cross the bridge to come back to Canada for landing.
Follow the directions of the customes officer .... Then get inside and answer the questions from an immigration officer truthfully. If the officer is satisfied with your anwers and supporting documents (if asked for any), your landing will be Okayed.
Not at all. This is not a real 'bad' record. You even don't need to say so (and they won't bother you, as there must remarks clearly stating the case). No immigrant has experienced this problems I believe.
Besides the option mentioned above, I was wondering within the Ottawa area if I could go to the MACDONALD-CARTIER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT( Ottawa Airport) for immigration landing.