泵奶器breast pump


请问JM们都在有什么牌子的泵奶器啊? 用手动的还是电动的? 谢谢.
Medela Pump in Style, it's an electrical pump.
Medela是个好牌子,但是很贵,Mini版的都要$130/each。至于First year,电动单个在Wal-mart是$50左右,大小力度可以调节,两个一起的$80左右,还可以吧,其实用的时间不太长,可能就是头1个月,除非对提前上班的又坚持母乳喂养的妈妈就用得久一些。
Medela Pump in Style is not recommended for second hand purchase. If you read the manual carefully, it seriously warns people "not" to buy a second hand one because not all parts can be fully santisized or replaced with new.

Unless you "really" know the person who owned it before (like your own sister), then do "not" buy used one, or you are risking your child's life to unknown diseases that the previous owner carried, for just saving a hundred dollars or so, which is absolutely not worth it.

Another reviews stated this below:
*Warning: This is not something you can find cheaper by buying used. This is a medical device, please don't buy it second hand. You really don't know what types of diseases the last person carried... and even if you buy new tubing and shields, old milk could have gotten into the diaphram itself... meaning you could still contaminate your milk.

"Medela and the FDA warn about second-hand pumps becoming vectors for the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis. "
医院或者母乳喂养指导中心的medela pumps应该是‘专业’版的同样原理的pump,除非他们有特殊的消毒措施----至少我知道老版的就没有特殊之处。那么你怎么知道前面有多少人用过,又都有什么样的传染源?社区护士或者母乳喂养专业指导人士给需要的妈妈租用的那些泵不就是要求个人购买自己的零件吗?
Medela Pump in Style is not recommended for second hand purchase. If you read the manual carefully, it seriously warns people "not" to buy a second hand one because not all parts can be fully santisized or replaced with new.

Unless you "really" know the person who owned it before (like your own sister), then do "not" buy used one, or you are risking your child's life to unknown diseases that the previous owner carried, for just saving a hundred dollars or so, which is absolutely not worth it.

Another reviews stated this below:
*Warning: This is not something you can find cheaper by buying used. This is a medical device, please don't buy it second hand. You really don't know what types of diseases the last person carried... and even if you buy new tubing and shields, old milk could have gotten into the diaphram itself... meaning you could still contaminate your milk.

"Medela and the FDA warn about second-hand pumps becoming vectors for the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis. "

I think this is more of a marketing scam from Medela. Hospitals rent out breast pumps all the time. JMO

If you are worried about "risking your child's life", get brand new attachments, they are available wherever Medela pumps are sold.
医院或者母乳喂养指导中心的medela pumps应该是‘专业’版的同样原理的pump,除非他们有特殊的消毒措施----至少我知道老版的就没有特殊之处。那么你怎么知道前面有多少人用过,又都有什么样的传染源?社区护士或者母乳喂养专业指导人士给需要的妈妈租用的那些泵不就是要求个人购买自己的零件吗?

I think this is more of a marketing scam from Medela. Hospitals rent out breast pumps all the time. JMO

If you are worried about "risking your child's life", get brand new attachments, they are available wherever Medela pumps are sold.

The pumps that the hospitals lend/rent are not the same models (Symphony $2500, Lactina $800). They may or may not be from Medela, but definately those are models which are rated as hospital grade. Those pumps are designed to be reused, so all their parts can be santized or replaced. Thus they are very expensive because they are not targetted for "households". I asked to rent one of those, and they told me I have to buy the parts for a hundred dollars and rent it is like $70 a month or so.

The Medela pumps that you can buy from the stores (variations of Pump In Style $260, Swing $160) are not designed to be reused. The health department and the manufaturers clearly warn people they are spreading diseases (AIDS, Hep B, and more fatal diseases).

Can I Buy or Borrow a Pre-owned Breastpump? (in Medela.com's FAQ)

Many mothers have asked if they can safely sell, purchase, or use a previously owned breastpump. Medela is concerned about the health and welfare of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. There is evidence that bacteria and certain viruses may be transmittable through breastmilk. For this reason, it is not advisable to use a previously owned, personal use breastpump, such as Medela’s Pump In Style®. However, it is safe to use a Rental pump, such as Medela’s Symphony®, Lactina™, or Classic™ pumps. The difference between personal use pumps and rental pumps is as follows:

Personal use pumps should never be resold or shared among mothers. The Medela [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Pump In Stylehttp://www.medela.com/NewFiles/pns.html#pnsadvanced[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]®[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular] Advanced[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular] has an internal diaphragm that cannot be removed, replaced, or fully sterilized. Therefore, the risk of cross-contamination associated with re-using a previously owned pump such as the Pump In Style cannot be dismissed, even when using a new kit or tubing. [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

Rental pumps such as Medela’s Symphony, Classic and Lactina are designed for multiple users. These pumps have special barriers and filters to prohibit milk from entering the pump motor, which prevent cross-contamination. In addition, each renter uses her own personal set of breastshields, containers and tubing, to ensure the safe use of these pumps.

Btw, if you think the pumps are too expensive, you don't need to buy a fancy one. My sis got the Pump in Style, but I think it's quite costly and I don't really think I need one like that. I went with the Medela Harmony hand pump, which is like $70 and it worked well for me.

And if you have complication while giving birth, I think the health insurance will cover the cost to rent the hospital grade one. A friend got that, but she didn't utilize the pump and still gave up on breastfeeding.