这些都是一老太太手工做的。她说如果需要加长也没问题,还有有些项链没有耳环配对,但是如果有人想要一套的话,她可以另外再做。大家看到好看的想试试看的话可以电话613-8238227或短消息联系。 听说她还帮婚纱店做新娘项链,如果有谁需要特殊设计项链的话,可以联系。
Double-strand (17” and 19½”) double-strand illusion necklace with 10 x 22 mm clear faceted crystal drop, 9 x 12 mm black faceted glass drops, 4 mm and 6 mm clear faceted crystal bicones, and 4 mm black glass bicones; spring clasp. Sterling silver ear wires with spring.
Double-strand (17” and 19½”) double-strand illusion necklace with 10 x 22 mm clear faceted crystal drop, 9 x 12 mm black faceted glass drops, 4 mm and 6 mm clear faceted crystal bicones, and 4 mm black glass bicones; spring clasp. Sterling silver ear wires with spring.