

Dear readers:
-the news you are going to read will sound "shocking , awful and Impossible" to almost every one of you, if this is the first time you are exposed to this information. But it is all True. It is sad the progress of Hi-teq made this situation a Reality for us all Today.

-Here is a Emergency Plea to raise "immediate-fund-raising",to Set-Up "safe-house" for victims targated by thi Hi-teq crime.

-most targated are marginalized and often dismissed as "crazy".They are silent, they are injured daily, weekly,----but there is No-visible-outward signs of Injury for them to show authority to ask for help !

-It is like some" Majic Crime ", It is bloodless, bruiseless, no gashing wounds, no swollen-----, no broken bones. "
our speculation , after interview the victims, is that some Super-Hi-Teq instruments are used, (electronically, frequency-wise, Chemically, physiologically,via radiation, via germs, via biological agents ----and any other un-imaginable modes of delivery of injury,-----)
The very secret Key to make this "magical crime" Invisible is, (our deductions from all the facts viewed):
some Cocktail -aerosol-spray containing superpowerful Anesthetics, Anagelsics , antibleeding, antiswollen, antipain----was Available ! and it is Classified material. (one time this antibleeding aerosol was demonstrated by physician on TV news). Also there must be electronically and/or Chemically Instant-Sleep-Inducer was available for use. Perpetrators (of the magic-crime) have almost the total control of putting the victims to Instant-Sleep -State, anytime when the victim is not in view of others.

-there are people collecting statistics, history, selling books, but it gives the victim No "Protection", No "Rescue" , No "extension of Life" , no "support of any kind", most of all, It gives the victims "Zero ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" of What happened to their bodies. No one (media: newspaper, tv , radio ) is has the Courage to give any "Publicity" to the victims.

-as a Member of the same Human Race, I am compelled to do something: to Raise money for setting up a "SAFE HOUSE" for the Silenced-Victims, who are left twisting-withering-hanging on the skin of the teeth-lamenting-crying alone, and Wondering where is the God, and where is the caring-courageous fellow human-beings ?

-----So, Please sink the Infos into your Mind and Hear,

Respond as a human should.

-so the victims Won't die in total Oblivion, and perpetrators got away from Murder.

-there are l million victims , now, How could you be sure one day your childre, and grandchildren won't be touched by this "magic Killer" ?

-In view to the Nature of the crime, it is Not Reasonable to ask the victims to provide any Proof (in the traditional sense). Victims are struggling to survive each day , and Each-horrable-NIGHT". Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is YOU, who are not touched by this crime, shoud act and respond.

book; "paranoid women collecting their thoughts"
book: "by Nick Begich, eagle river, alaska --physicisn turned author

Put in Google Search for :
Eleanor white raven 1 Davis california

cheryl welsh davis california

-Budget for the First Safe-House is 1 Million
for purchase and maintenance of the house
for electronic alarms, surveilance
for web-cam set up
for telephone, computers
dogs, medicine-----etc.

would like to be able to see the beginning of the plan to be implimented before my forced exit by this crime

whem victims die, they will be some kind of permanent record, for future generatioon to squarely Facing the dark chapter of what secret-abuse of Technology bring us all !

(before victims forced to die, I would like to see their will be international visitors to visit and bring some flowers, and go home spreading the News and do some study to set up some Protocol for some public Office to handle this Kind of silent crime in the future!!!

Pray for Me and others, Please.

checks send to P.O.box 45021, seattle, washington,98145, usa, in care of Safe -House-foundation, jean sung,
email: gardenery2k@yahoo.com