We've just added The Source's Boxing Week Savings flyer to our growing collection of Boxing Week information. Their Boxing Week sale runs from December 26th to 31st in-store with some web exclusive savings and deals starting December 25th online. No other information on the online sale yet, but here's some highlights from the store flyer:
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com
- Acer Aspire AS4315-2825 Laptop w/Celeron M540 1.86GHz, 1GB, 120GB, 14.1" WXGA LCD, DVD Burner, Webcam, Vista Basic - $399.99 after $110 rebate (page 1)
- Sony MiniDV Camcorder w/20x Optical Zoom - $247.99 (page 1)
- Dane-Elec 2GB Chrome USB Thumb Drive - $16.99 (page 1)
- Element 42" 720p Plasma HDTV w/HDMI, 10000:1 Contrast Ratio - $777.77 (page 2)
- iGo Universal Combo Wall & Auto Charger w/Retractable Cable - $19.99 (page 3)
- 4GB iPod Nano - $149.99 (page 7)
- Custom Rydz RC Sports Cars - $19.99 (page 8)
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com