If you've been considering a PC Financial Mastercard, now is a good time to make the switch. Until May 2008, you can use promo code 82101 00000 to get a 0.97% balance transfer rate, a full 1% lower than the usual 1.97% rate. This can potentially translate into significant savings when you transfer a balance from other credit cards and loans to your new card. The PC Financial Mastercard's other benefits include no annual fee, 10 PC points earned for every $1 spent, Paypass and a bonus 5000 points when applying online. You can apply online here, and use the 0.97% balance transfer rate promotion code while doing so (enter it in the personal offer code field). This offer appears to be only availabe for new signups. Thanks to najibs for the information!
If you're still unsure what credit card is right for you, have a look at our article on Canadian No-fee Credit Card Rewards programs.
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com
If you're still unsure what credit card is right for you, have a look at our article on Canadian No-fee Credit Card Rewards programs.
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com