travel system 的car seat 和stroller 和普通的有什么区别吗?

travel system 的car seat 和stroller =普通的car seat + 普通的stroller

travel system 就是把car seat 和stroller一起卖。还是觉得travel system的比较实用,特别在BB小的时候,他们经常是睡着的,可以把整个car seat 放在stroller上,或车上,都不需要动醒BB,这是最大的好处,而且价格也大众化。
因为有的car seat是5磅-80磅的,而 travel system的car seat是5-22磅。

还是觉得小BB坐落-22磅的car seat 好。我家那个是5-40磅的,把小BB放进去,觉得很空洞,心不够踏实。22磅以后再买一个用到底。
Choosing the right car seat for your child Safe & Secure: Choosing the right car seat for your child


Photo of rear-facing child car seatNewborn babies and infants require special protection while in a vehicle. In a collision, properly installed rear-facing car seats can save your child's life.

Infant car seats should face the back of the vehicle, rest on a 45-degree angle and move no more than 2.5 cm (1 in.) side-to-side. If necessary, use a towel or a foam bar (pool noodle) under the base of the child car seat to adjust the angle. Harness straps should be slotted at or below a baby's shoulders. You should not be able to fit more than one finger underneath the harness straps at the child's collarbone. The chest clip should be flat against the chest at armpit level.

When your child outgrows the maximum height and weight of his/her infant seat, you may require a convertible rear-facing seat until your child is ready to be facing forward. Use a rear-facing car seat until:

* the baby is at least 9 kilograms (20 lb.)
* the baby can pull him/herself to a standing position
* the baby is one year old.