- 注册
- 2004-09-11
- 消息
- 823
- 荣誉分数
- 17
- 声望点数
- 128
引子:就 黑手这个问题,我们已经争论了很久~ 有人说,黑手是他们的怨念…… 有人说,黑手是阻碍团队前进的最大障碍…… 很多负责开尸体的人都是背负着黑手称号的人。于是,人们开始研究,掉落究竟是在怪物诞生的时候生成的,还是在他死亡的时候生成的,还是在拾取的那一瞬间生 成的,各有一方说辞~ 今天,暴雪终于把这个怨念终结了。魔兽世界美服论坛版主-Drysc,让我们记住这个名字。
Loot is generated upon creation.
As soon as you step into an instance, or a mob is created in the world, the loot that's going to drop has already been determined.
进入某个RAID副本,是有进度的,那么这个进度是由组建团队的人来决定呢,还是第一个进入副本的人来决定呢?看起来后者的可能性更大一些 :)
Q: What are the variables in the random generator's kernel, is it based on some attribute of the players in the raid, or the raid leader?
A: Heh, no.
I believe it uses a time stamp to seed the generator. So, there's nothing you can influence within the game that would alter or coerce the generator.
No, the time it uses to seed would have no real implication into the final outcome of what loot its given. On a long enough generation table, you may see some type of pattern based purely on a random generators inability to truly be random. But we're talking about astronomical numbers, something ridiculous like hundreds of billions of generations. Nothing you would or could see a pattern in during your time playing the game.
What you're seeing is pure and basic laws of probability. Have a few thousand people roll a pair of dice and you're bound to see hundreds of people able to roll snake-eyes 10 times in a row. (not that dice are truly random either)
于是有人问那命令发送是按照时间段,那岂不是杀死某时间段刷出来的怪物或者在某个特定时间进入副本。。。 橙色武器唾手可得?
Loot is generated upon creation.
As soon as you step into an instance, or a mob is created in the world, the loot that's going to drop has already been determined.
进入某个RAID副本,是有进度的,那么这个进度是由组建团队的人来决定呢,还是第一个进入副本的人来决定呢?看起来后者的可能性更大一些 :)
Q: What are the variables in the random generator's kernel, is it based on some attribute of the players in the raid, or the raid leader?
A: Heh, no.
I believe it uses a time stamp to seed the generator. So, there's nothing you can influence within the game that would alter or coerce the generator.
No, the time it uses to seed would have no real implication into the final outcome of what loot its given. On a long enough generation table, you may see some type of pattern based purely on a random generators inability to truly be random. But we're talking about astronomical numbers, something ridiculous like hundreds of billions of generations. Nothing you would or could see a pattern in during your time playing the game.
What you're seeing is pure and basic laws of probability. Have a few thousand people roll a pair of dice and you're bound to see hundreds of people able to roll snake-eyes 10 times in a row. (not that dice are truly random either)
于是有人问那命令发送是按照时间段,那岂不是杀死某时间段刷出来的怪物或者在某个特定时间进入副本。。。 橙色武器唾手可得?