今天的 Ottawa Citizen


Failing to move to the left earned him a $490 fine

Subject: Avoid a $490.00 traffic fine - please read The Citizen (City Section) today


One must move into the left lane on a two-lane highway if it is safe to do
so. One Ottawa driver was fined $490.00 + 3 demerit points. Repeating this
"crime" brings a $1000.00+ fine and even the loss of a driver's licence.

Please notify your friends. The law is apparently more than 3 years old but
now Ottawa Police have decided to enforce it - they need money. "Emergency
vehicles" also include police cars with their lights flashing while the
"policeperson" has stopped a driver.

Good luck.
啊? 真的那么严格? 不会一定要靠左边吧, 象在Baseline上, 经常有救火车从后边抄上来, 我如在左边那条Lane, 自然是尽量靠左. 但如果我原来在右边那条Lane, 就尽量靠右不就得了. 还是大家一律要合并进左边那条Lane去?
在 安全 的情况下 :D
啊? 真的那么严格? 不会一定要靠左边吧, 象在Baseline上, 经常有救火车从后边抄上来, 我如在左边那条Lane, 自然是尽量靠左. 但如果我原来在右边那条Lane, 就尽量靠右不就得了. 还是大家一律要合并进左边那条Lane去?

Got it. Thanks!
Oh, I see. Thanks.
Here's a full story sent to my email from a friend:
Hi Friends,
I just had an experience which I hope you will not share.

I was driving on the 417 West at Panmure at broad daylight at 2 p.m., when I came upon two police cruisers who had pulled over a third vehicle. I slowed down to be cautious, and was surprised when the second cruiser pulled out and pulled me over.

Approaching on the passenger side, the officer asked if I knew why I had been pulled over. I honestly expressed that I had no idea.

He informed me that Ontario law now states that when approaching any emergency vehicle, on the roadside, with lights flashing, you must enter the left lane. He then proceeded to ticket me, taking three demerits and issuing a fine of , wait for it, . . .
$490! (Yes, I'm choking as I type that.)

I realize I did not change lanes, but I do believe I was cautious. My message is, be careful. He said that they are cracking down hard on this because of three injured officers in the last ten days. I did not realize this was the law. Neither did any of
my recently-licensed children. Or evidently not the 47 drivers (I counted) who broke the same law as I sat waiting to receive my ticket.
Wow. 太狠了. 人家都不知道, 难道就不能警告一下. 再说, 这么多人都不知道这一条法律, 说明政府也没花力气宣传啊. 政府也有责任不是么. 很同情受伤的警察 ... 不过很纳闷他们怎么会受伤的, 难道过路的车直接开到Shoulder外头去撞他们了不成 ... ... :(
"you must enter the left lane"


我觉得这个法律应该只适用于Highway... Mike 教练来普及一下。
Mike 教练好像今天不在 :D
Mike 教练好像今天不在 :D



【1】如果左边还有车道,最好转到左边去,当然转之前,要观察、打转向灯、shoulder check,就是MSC;如果一时不能change lane,那就稍稍等在后面,还是change到左边比较好;

【2】如果仅仅只有一个车道,那就没有其他车道可以change了,可以通过,但是通过的前提是一定不能妨碍emergency vehicle正在进行的工作和威胁到任何人。


要cover brake,随时准备刹车;
眼睛一边观察正常行驶的traffic information,一边特别留意emergency vehicle车辆和他们的officer,包括警察、救护人员、救火队员等等;
车辆通过的路线,在不影响对行车辆的前提下,尽量远离emergency vehicle。

"you must enter the left lane"


我觉得这个法律应该只适用于Highway... Mike 教练来普及一下。


Watch for Emergency Vehicles


There are two situations where motorists will encounter an emergency vehicle on our roads and highways: when a police, fire or ambulance vehicle is approaching from either direction or when any of these vehicles, with their lights flashing, is stopped in the same direction on the road or the shoulder ahead. Fire and ambulance vehicles will use flashing red lights and police vehicles may use either flashing red lights alone or a combination of flashing red and blue lights.

As of June 4, 2007, police department vehicles may use flashing blue lights in combination with flashing red lights. Some police services will continue using flashing red lights only.​

Motorists should respond to police vehicles with flashing blue and red lights in the same way they respond to flashing red lights.

Reacting to an approaching emergency vehicle

As required by law, a motorist who sees or hears an emergency vehicle must clear the way. When a police, fire or ambulance vehicle is approaching from either direction, with lights flashing or siren on, motorists are required to pull to the right, and if possible, stop. This is especially important during peak traffic times. Also, motorists must yield to an emergency vehicle at intersections.


It is also illegal to follow within 150 metres a fire vehicle or ambulance responding to a call.



Failing to pull over and stop for an approaching emergency vehicle can result in the following:

Fine - $90 ($125 in a Community Safety Zone), plus 3 demerit points on your driving record upon conviction.

Click here to view Seconds Can Save a Life for more information on reacting to an approaching emergency vehicle.


Approaching a stopped emergency vehicle

Enforcing the law and providing emergency assistance often require emergency vehicles to park in a lane or on the shoulder of a road or highway.
To increase safety, Ontario's Highway Traffic Act now requires motorists approaching a stopped police, fire or ambulance vehicle with its lights* flashing to slow down and pass with caution. This applies to all police, fire and ambulance vehicles that are stopped in the same direction of travel, either in a lane or on the shoulder of a road or highway.

* Fire vehicles and ambulances use flashing red lights. Police vehicles may use flashing red lights or a combination of flashing blue and red lights.

First offence - $400 to $2,000, plus 3 demerit points upon conviction.

Subsequent offence (within 5 years) - $1,000 to $4,000, possible jail time up to 6 months and possible suspension of driver's licence for up to 2 years.

Road Safety. It starts with you.