how canadian you are?

上个世纪末的一段日子,我天天活在mickey mouse的世界里,在世纪末的最后一个圣诞节,我在某处拿来几本中文杂志,里面全都是文革回忆录之类的,一下子我回到了久违的chairman mao的世界,一切还是那么熟悉但又已晃如隔世,突然意识到自己短短的人生跨过仿佛几个世纪的空间,觉得真酷毙了,还在乎这够不够canadian ?
Your results for this quiz have been calculated and are presented below:
You are 97% Canuck!

You rock, you are an almighty Canadian through and through. You have proven your worthiness and have won the elite prize of living in a country as awesome as Canada. Yes I know other countries think they are better, but we let them have that cuz we know better than they do, eh?
:( 俺才73%,还大部分都是蒙的.

You are 100% Canuck!

You rock, you are an almighty Canadian through and through. You have proven your worthiness and have won the elite prize of living in a country as awesome as Canada. Yes I know other countries think they are better, but we let them have that cuz we know better than they do, eh?
You are 99% Canuck!

You rock, you are an almighty Canadian through and through. You have proven your worthiness and have won the elite prize of living in a country as awesome as Canada. Yes I know other countries think they are better, but we let them have that cuz we know better than they do, eh?
不过是发现点零钱就去买Tim Horton's 咖啡和Timbits而已, 就这么邪呼啊.

从前上学的时候, 自己都不知道自己的英文有多难听, 都是跟各国的外教学的, 肯定南腔北调的. 在加拿大飘了两年, 有一次遇到以前认识的教授, 他听我说话, 说我有加拿大口音. 我想一定是当时他说一句什么我没听清, 反问了一个小小的 "eh?"
