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我的儿子刚一岁。 因为前面两个月跟妈妈睡了,现在再也不肯回自己的小床了。 每晚都要抓着妈妈的胳膊才肯睡觉。小孩后半夜睡觉不老实,到处翻, 严重影响我的睡眠和白天工作质量。大家有什么好办法让小孩睡回自己的床上吗?谢谢。
我儿子1岁多时自己还是睡crib,1岁半回国后一个多月都是和他一起睡大床,回来后就不太肯睡crib了。就买了张小床和bed rail,放在我们的大床旁,就是他满床转也影响不到我们。后来2岁多点就让他自己睡在另一个房间了。
Help SOS

My daughter is 9 month old, since two month ago she got ear infection, she never sleep well at night, every night she will wake up 3 or 4 times, that's mean she only sleep 1.5 to 2 hours then she will stand up in the crib, cry until you come hold her. The day time she only sleep about 1 or 2 hours mix, we tried to make her sleep late or put some thing in the milk, nothing help...... I will die before she getting better:(

Any better idea
My daughter is 9 month old, since two month ago she got ear infection, she never sleep well at night, every night she will wake up 3 or 4 times, that's mean she only sleep 1.5 to 2 hours then she will stand up in the crib, cry until you come hold her. The day time she only sleep about 1 or 2 hours mix, we tried to make her sleep late or put some thing in the milk, nothing help...... I will die before she getting better:(

Any better idea


缺觉是很累人的,尤其是长期缺觉。大家都是这么过来的,很理解你。先找找原因,宝宝为什么睡不踏实?冷?热?身体不舒服?没有安全感?不喜欢受crib的约束?推荐一本很好的书:"No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley。不少人都说Ferber Method也很有效,但是在我们家没有成功。

我的儿子刚一岁。 因为前面两个月跟妈妈睡了,现在再也不肯回自己的小床了。 每晚都要抓着妈妈的胳膊才肯睡觉。小孩后半夜睡觉不老实,到处翻, 严重影响我的睡眠和白天工作质量。大家有什么好办法让小孩睡回自己的床上吗?谢谢。


我把孩子放小床上,他半夜醒来我要不进去看他,他会上气不接下气哭一个小时直到我们进去。我要是在边上看着他, 他就想尽办法求我把他抱出来。看着实在不忍心。我听人说孩子在小床上站累了就会自己睡了。但是他好像站了至少一个小时手脚冰凉的。最后总被爸爸抱出来说这 样是虐待小孩。

跟我睡大床吧, 他经常要抓着我的胳膊睡。有时候半夜醒来还要瞄一眼我是不是在,要不然就要爬起来哭。所以陪他睡着再离开这一招对他还不管用。


KIWI推荐的书我想看一下。请问哪里可以借到这本书。图书馆还是dropin center? 谢谢啦。
My son has been sleeping in the same room with me since he was born. But not the same bed. His crib is right beside my bed. I also get rid of that bedrail between his bed and mine. It works well for both him and me. He is almost four now, and I am getting him ready to sleep in his own room. I bought him a bigger bed in his own room. He loves to take a nap there all by himself on weekend.;)
Same here! My daughter is almost 9 months old and have same sleeping problem as yours. Every day I pray that she could get better.:(
Hug, hug;)

My daughter is 9 month old, since two month ago she got ear infection, she never sleep well at night, every night she will wake up 3 or 4 times, that's mean she only sleep 1.5 to 2 hours then she will stand up in the crib, cry until you come hold her. The day time she only sleep about 1 or 2 hours mix, we tried to make her sleep late or put some thing in the milk, nothing help...... I will die before she getting better:(

Any better idea
ddfa: 我是在Kanata的Early Year Center借的。我也买了一本,你要想看跟我QQH联系。

你有没有试过Pick up put down的方法?每次半个小时,如果不成功就下次再来。
Thank you so much for all of you, yes, I ask daddy help me a lot at night too, both of us tired, we hope she can be better soon, we put the rice cereal in the milk to make it thicker, but it doesn't help. we will try to find that book, to see it can give us any good idea.

Thanks again:)
Here are some of my thought:

1. I think first you need to find out why she gets up 3-4 times
every night?? Is she hungry, cold, any where hurt?

2. What I have used to make my son sleep better before is that:
A. Play with ime a lot during day time. the purpose -
to burn energy from him

B. Give him a warm bath before bed.

C. A routine bedtime story /or song.

3. Do not be frustrated. It is mornal that baby gets once during night.

4. One last thing, you might want to check, is she teething?
If yes, she might be hurt either in the mouth or in her ear??
Check with her Pedieatric first and a little tylonal might help.
How is her daytime spent with you?

My daughter is 9 month old, since two month ago she got ear infection, she never sleep well at night, every night she will wake up 3 or 4 times, that's mean she only sleep 1.5 to 2 hours then she will stand up in the crib, cry until you come hold her. The day time she only sleep about 1 or 2 hours mix, we tried to make her sleep late or put some thing in the milk, nothing help...... I will die before she getting better:(

Any better idea

How does your Dt interact with you when she is not sleep during daytime? From your discription, she's so alert and doesn't feel secure. I would recommend you search for reasons beyond her sleep only.
Baby's life is intergated: activity, food, sleep, body sanity are all related to each other. If there is problem in one area, it will lead to problem in other areas too.
Along your journey, most important thing for yourself is to keep relaxed. Baby will feel more secure, if you are more relaxed. (I know it's easy said than act, when you are so lack of sleep.)
Believe it or not, once you sit back and listen to your instinction, you'll soon find a reason and solution that works for everyone in the family.

p.s. 我刚发现其实我没买Pantley那本书,瞧这脑子!本来买了一本,后来发现EYC有的借就给退了。:blowzy:

p.s. 我刚发现其实我没买Pantley那本书,瞧这脑子!本来买了一本,后来发现EYC有的借就给退了。:blowzy:

Thanks Wiki. I was sick for last month and didnt' get chance checking message here. No worry about the book. I will find out.