美服 PVP 服务器
70级 血精灵圣骑士 (女)
S3 加血锤子, 头, 衣服, 腿, 手. Librams(34 res)
S2 加血盾, S1 肩
S3 全部 加血 Honor 装, 连 trinket(军牌).
牌子换的装备: 60个牌的披风, 41个牌子的加血trinket.
有280飞鸟.. 375 Enchanting, 375 Alchemy.
外加 kara 散件, T4, tank装, 还剩38个英雄牌.
号上暂有 2500+ arena points, 10000+ honor.
售价: $ 800
70级 亡灵术士 (男)
S3 头,衣服,手
S1 全套(5件套,武器,wand)
S3 全部 honor装.
Trinket: 41个英雄牌换的(加法伤), 75个英雄牌换的(加法伤), Honor 换的trinket 2 个. (军牌和加34res,和血的那个)
外加 kara 散件, 一些没换的t4, 还剩14个英雄牌. 7个 primal nether.
身上2个20格包, 1个28格碎片包, 1个 28格矿包.
有280飞鸟, 375 mining, 375 jc.
Jc会cut: 12stam, 4res and 6 stam, +4 spell crit and 5 spell dmg, +4 spell hit and 5 spell dmg, +9 healing and 2 mp5, +5 spell dmg and 5 stam, +8 str,+8 int, +8 res, +8 spell crit. +9 healing and 4 spirit.
Meta宝石: chance on next spell cast by half time, +3 melee dmg and stun target. 26 healing and 2% reduce threat, 12 crit rating and 5% snare resist, 12 int and chance to restone mana, 18 stam and 5% stun resist, 24 ap and run speed increase, chance to increse melee/ranged attack speed.
号上暂有 2000+ arena 分, 9000+ honor.
售价: 750$
有意者请加msn: ryubenly@msn.com
Vancouver 可当面交易.
70级 血精灵圣骑士 (女)
S3 加血锤子, 头, 衣服, 腿, 手. Librams(34 res)
S2 加血盾, S1 肩
S3 全部 加血 Honor 装, 连 trinket(军牌).
牌子换的装备: 60个牌的披风, 41个牌子的加血trinket.
有280飞鸟.. 375 Enchanting, 375 Alchemy.
外加 kara 散件, T4, tank装, 还剩38个英雄牌.
号上暂有 2500+ arena points, 10000+ honor.
售价: $ 800
70级 亡灵术士 (男)
S3 头,衣服,手
S1 全套(5件套,武器,wand)
S3 全部 honor装.
Trinket: 41个英雄牌换的(加法伤), 75个英雄牌换的(加法伤), Honor 换的trinket 2 个. (军牌和加34res,和血的那个)
外加 kara 散件, 一些没换的t4, 还剩14个英雄牌. 7个 primal nether.
身上2个20格包, 1个28格碎片包, 1个 28格矿包.
有280飞鸟, 375 mining, 375 jc.
Jc会cut: 12stam, 4res and 6 stam, +4 spell crit and 5 spell dmg, +4 spell hit and 5 spell dmg, +9 healing and 2 mp5, +5 spell dmg and 5 stam, +8 str,+8 int, +8 res, +8 spell crit. +9 healing and 4 spirit.
Meta宝石: chance on next spell cast by half time, +3 melee dmg and stun target. 26 healing and 2% reduce threat, 12 crit rating and 5% snare resist, 12 int and chance to restone mana, 18 stam and 5% stun resist, 24 ap and run speed increase, chance to increse melee/ranged attack speed.
号上暂有 2000+ arena 分, 9000+ honor.
售价: 750$
有意者请加msn: ryubenly@msn.com
Vancouver 可当面交易.