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最初由 Barbie 发布

Hi, “the female host”, what took you so long to spit out your apologize.

For a hundred years, educated Chinese have been pursuing democracy. Everyone seems also values the freedom of speaks very much. I believe that “democratic environment” is a modern word used often by those leadership-type-spirit-person. I absolutely did expect to be asked to “Get Out if you don’t like”. What a pity! What pity!

While, what I can say. SOMETHINGS were planted into your mind, you probably are trying to remove it, it is hard, right? You are feeling guilty by hurting people, good! You’ve got progress.

One week past. There was so quiet in this forum regarding this matter. The worst thing could not be more than silence. I am wondering what the components would be of the readers of this forum.

Volunteers should be always respected, but, volunteers should be qualified for this kind of occasions, especially for the presence on the stage, right? You are representing a part of Ottawa-Chinese and supposed to be well mannered! At least looks like an educated-person.
最初由 da sheng 发布
Hi, “the female host”, what took you so long to spit out your apologize.

“Get Out if you don’t like”. What a pity! What pity!

SOMETHINGS were planted into your mind, you probably are trying to remove it, it is hard, right? You are feeling guilty by hurting people, good! You’ve got progress.

One week past. There was so quiet in this forum regarding this matter.

Volunteers should be always respected, but, volunteers should be qualified for this kind of occasions, especially for the presence on the stage, right? At least looks like an educated-person.

hi, man, did you ever notice the words "由于他无法输入中文,所以由我来转达他对所使用不当语言的歉意,他对吹口哨者和所有观众道歉。 同时也感谢所有到场的观众热情参与。"

I expect all people could act as educated-person, including the one who gave his whistle and the ones who were not satisfied with the behavior of the anchor.

i don't think it is proper response to whistle if a person just said some common words not fitting on his mind...

it is a community with merits of allowing tolerance. People can give their respects to whistling, but will not accept a sorry from the anchor? Is there any mind behind the differences?

A sorry is good, good enough to say the man is a good educated-person.

Cheers & Applause!!:cool: :cool: :cool:

另:建议不要在那样的活动中宣读“三个联合公报”,即使得到了一些赞助。 :)
zhuo wei zhong guo ren,wo de guo yu ye bu hao, wo ye 道歉!!!!!
最初由 wuwei 发布
zhuo wei zhong guo ren,wo de guo yu ye bu hao, wo ye 道歉!!!!!