Shopper's Drug Mart 又有积点活动了,下周末 April 5 和 April 6 号两天。 注册后只需 在店里买$20的任何东西, 就可以得到5000的积分 (按最高积分算, 5000点等于$10, 所以花$20能得$10,很划算.还有在shopper's买一些日用品的如果在5号和6号买它家Life Brand的东西,可以有10倍的bonus积分,更划算了。
You've been referred. Once you've registered, your registration will remain secured protecting you from being moved around. Only the person you are registered under will collect Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points when you shop and spend $20 or more on April 5 or April 6.